Yellen’s ‘global tax’ sellout, more DeSantis deRangement


Republican: Yellen’s ‘Global Tax’ Sellout

In “closed doors” talks, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is “negotiating a global minimum tax deal” with “negative impacts on our economy, causing significant harm to the American people,” warns Rep. Ron Estes at The Hill. In 2017, Congress “did the hard work of completely overhauling our tax code to prevent our companies from leaving the United States while more accurately collecting the taxes due to the U.S. Treasury,” which “prevented companies from headquartering overseas” and boosted the US corporate-tax take. But Yellen’s “damaging concessions” disqualify “our newly reformed (and successful) tax code”: They give “primary taxing rights on our businesses . . . to foreign countries. Business tax credits that promote research and development and make American companies competitive don’t count any longer.” Add in “special carve-outs to countries like China and India.” This “would be the biggest economic capitulation in American history.”

From the right: How To Steamroll Parents

The Democratic-controlled Fairfax, Va., school board is pushing to “combine sex education for boys and girls in grades four through eight by the end of this month,” fumes the Washington Examiner editorial board. Yet it got caught burying the results of its own survey showing that “parents, students, and teachers . . . all overwhelmingly oppose the changes” by up to 85%. The plan includes “changing the sex-ed curriculum so the terms ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ are stricken from the classroom in favor of the terms ‘individuals assigned male at birth’ and ‘individuals assigned female at birth.’ ” The justification is promoting “an inclusive environment,” yet: “Inclusion, in this rationale, excludes the opinion of the vast majority, which also happens to accord with reality rather than the left’s preferred fantasy.” To stop “ideologues from ‘transforming’ their families,” parents “should elect more Republicans to their school boards.”

Media watch: More DeSantis DeRangement

“Ron DeSantis is driving his critics” in the press “nuts,” chuckles David Strom at HotAir. “Unlike Trump, he is actually accomplishing things” — “things that the media hate.” So “they are determined to destroy him.” But DeSantis’ team “is bringing the fight to where it might hurt the media with non-Republicans: actually proving what liars they are,” outing (among others) CBS for lying about Florida’s curriculum changes. The media do “this with every issue, adopting the language of DeSantis’ critics to create a totally false narrative.” And while “Trump’s ‘fake news’ attacks” became “less effective the farther a person’s ideology departed from Trump’s,” DeSantis’ strategy has “the potential to penetrate the minds of independents.” It’s also “fun to watch in real-time.”

Conservative: Dems Want Your Retirement Savings

Progressives pushing the “environmental, social and governance agenda” want to control “the private decisions” of “millions of Americans,” Andy Puzder roars at Fox Business, and they’ll “gaslight Americans” to do so. E.g.: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer claims it’s attacking “free markets” to oppose Team Biden’s push to let fund managers invest workers’ savings in companies with an ESG agenda at the expense of profits. Schumer knows that’s “false”: GOP (and some Dem) critics just want “to prevent progressives from conscripting other peoples’ money to advance their leftist political goals.” “If Democrats want to remake America, they can try their luck at the ballot box,” but “leave our nation’s retirees’ hard-earned assets alone.”

Crime: ‘Radicalized Violence’ Double Standard

“Is violence by the political right deplorable while by the left is defensible?” ask the Wall Street Journal’s editors, after “a violent assault on a planned law-enforcement facility” near Atlanta on Sunday. Claiming to be “fighting ‘racialized violence and ecological destruction’ at what they call ‘Cop City,’ ” an antifa mob attacked police with Molotov cocktails and destroyed construction equipment. It was the third in a series of “violent incidents involving the facility.” If Democrats want to change the public’s perception “that they’re soft on crime . . . they could start by denouncing the siege of Cop City by Antifa radicals.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board


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