White House notches voluntary commitment with 7 AI developers


President Joe Biden will meet with the CEOs and presidents of seven of the largest AI tech companies Friday to mark a nonbinding agreement that will govern how artificial intelligence is developed and released to the public.

Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI all agreed to a set of eight rules Friday, which include external testing of AI systems before their release, investing in cybersecurity protection for unreleased models and using a watermarking system for AI-generated content. The list of attendees includes Microsoft President Brad Smith, Meta President Nick Clegg, and Google President Kent Walker.

The companies’ commitment to these safeguards is meant to “underscore three key principles that must be fundamental to the future of AI: safety, security, and trust,” the White House official said. The key AI principles highlight the administration’s stated focus on protecting AI models from cyberattacks, countering deep fakes and opening up dialogue about companies’ AI risk management systems.


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