Western Springs Village President Alice F. Gallagher dies unexpectedly – Chicago Tribune


Alice F. Gallagher, Western Springs Village President since 2017, the Village leader during the its efforts to redevelop the downtown business district and battle the pandemic, died unexpectedly Tuesday.

“It is an understatement that Alice will be immensely missed by her family, her friends, her co-workers and the Board,” Trustee Jim Tyrrell said in an email communication. “Alice was devoted to everything in her life and passionate about the Village of Western Springs. Her leadership was more than a profession; it was her calling.”

When Gallagher became ill, Tyrrell presided over the Village Board meeting Monday night.

The cause of death is not yet known, with the Village only saying it was unexpected.

Gallagher was a graduate of Miami of Ohio University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Russian language and literature. She earned her Doctor of Law degree from the Seattle University School of Law.

Gallagher’s term in office coincided with an emphasis on development in the downtown business district, and the challenges face by the Village during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Before being elected President, Gallagher served as a Village Trustee from 2013 until the time she won her first race for village president. She was reelected in 2021, and was halfway through her second term.

Before being elected trustee, she served as the president of the Field Park PTO, chair of the Western Springs Foundation for Excellence in Education, and as member of the Western Springs School District 101 Board of Education.

Gallagher also had government service outside of Western Springs, serving as a director of the Illinois State Highway Toll Authority.

She was appointed Toll Authority by Governor J.B. Pritzker, where she served as chair of the Audit Committee, and member of committees on Systems Review/Customer Service, and Finance, Administration.

Since becoming Village President, Gallagher has served on a number of different bodies relating to local government. Among them are: President of the Central Council of Mayors, Chair of the Council Transportation Committee, and Co-Chair of the Joint Central/North Central Transportation Committee.

She also served on the Chicago Metropolitan Agency For Planning Council of Mayors Executive Committee, and as Vice President of West Central Municipal Conference.

Aside from her legal and government work, she was also a certified Yoga Fitness teacher since 2009.

Gallagher was noted for her devotion to businesses during the pandemic, particularly the restaurant community, and fostering a strong relationship between the Village and the DuPage Managers and Mayors’ Conference.

Hank Beckman is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.


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