
Book Cover

Marnie has just turned 6, and she’s learning that everyone is like a book with “parts and pages” that make them one-of-a-kind: “Do some people look at you and think they know your whole story?” she asks readers. “Because of just ONE THING they know about you?” Marnie says that person’s size, eye shape, use of glasses, learning method, and mobility are just parts of their stories. She notes that her mom is Black with family from the Caribbean, and her dad is white with family from the United States. Once, Marnie went to a new school and other children didn’t want to play with her because her skin color and hair was different from theirs: “Being different doesn’t make someone weird….be nice to them because, to them, you are different too!” The uncredited illustrations feature children with various skin tones and abilities, and their faces are detailed and expressive. The book features some effective opportunities for interactivity, as when Marnie asks readers which child they most resemble and offers a blank option that’s “uniquely you.” At the end, Marnie shares other parts of her story and invites readers to do the same.


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