We grew up Christian with no sex — now we’re in an open marriage and make porn


They’re porn-again Christians.

A married couple is speaking out about how they went from conservative Christians to kinky content creators, saying they finally feel free now that they’ve left their church.

Cal and Emmy Blaise, both 35, have become top earners on OnlyFans and have an open marriage.

“We both grew up in such a restrictive and religious environment; we had no chance to think for ourselves,” a lusty and liberated Emmy told news.com.au in an interview on Monday.

The couple — who are parents to three children under the age of 10 — met at a Christian church back in 2006 and married two years later.

“We were each other’s first boyfriend and girlfriend,” Emmy explained. “We followed all the rules and didn’t have sex until marriage and all of that. We were the ‘good ones.’”

Cal and Emmy Blaise, both aged 35, have become top earners on OnlyFans and have an open marriage.
Cal and Emmy Blaise, both 35, have become top earners on OnlyFans and have an open marriage.
via news.com.au
Mom-of-three Emmy often posts raunchy photos on Instagram. She and her hubby share X-rated content on OnlyFans.
Mom-of-three Emmy often posts raunchy photos on Instagram. She and her hubby share X-rated content on OnlyFans.

But after having their kids, the couple slowly started to think about the possible negative effect religion was having on their life together and began speaking honestly about the state of their marriage.

“As a couple, we began unraveling and questioning everything we had ever known,” Cal claimed. “That’s when we both came to a huge realization. Monogamy didn’t make sense to us, and it wasn’t what we wanted anymore. We wanted to open up our relationship.”

The twosome — who had only ever had sex with each other — initially decided to try swinging in 2019.

“We were both a bit nervous,” Cal admitted. “But we have always been the type to talk through and process things together. It was scary, but exciting at the same time.”

That erotic experience unleashed untapped desires for the amorous Australians, who soon started seeking out more sexual partners on dating apps.

“Neither of us had any idea of how to pick up,” Cal stated. “Emmy and I had never had that experience of going out and hooking up, so it was like we were teenagers again. It felt like we had made up for some lost time.”

"Religion can often cause people to repress parts of themselves, and they fear being true to who they are,” Emmy stated.
The mama has no regrets about turning her back on the church.

The couple now has an open marriage but they have not yet spoken about it with their children.

They also say they have no regrets about leaving the church because they don’t to bring their kids up to feel repressed.

“Religion can often cause people to repress parts of themselves, and they fear being true to who they are,” Emmy stated. “We want them to feel that they will always be supported and loved, no matter who they are.”

The Blaises said they do face judgment for speaking out about their open relationship — as well as their new on-camera career — but said their love for one another remains rock solid.

The mama has no regrets about turning her back on the church.
“Religion can often cause people to repress parts of themselves, and they fear being true to who they are,” Emmy stated.

“At the end of the day, every relationship is different,” Cal declared. “Our adoration and commitment to each other, and to our family, is still there and such an important part of the dynamic.

“We love each other as much as we did on our wedding day,” he further cooed. “That will never change.”


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