Two ‘heroic’ boys save 7-year-old from drowning in Michigan pool


Two young boys are being hailed as heroes for rescuing a drowning 7-year-old from the bottom of a Michigan pool.

The pair, 12-year-old Noah and 8-year-old Weston, leaped into action when they spotted the youngster sinking to the bottom of the deep end of an apartment complex’s pool in Fenton on June 20, according to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office.

The boys jumped into the pool, swam over to the child, Griffin, and pulled him out of the pool, Sheriff Christopher Swanson said last week.

Swanson said the boy was blue, lifeless and wasn’t breathing, and his mother began CPR until paramedics arrived, reestablished some breaths and rushed him to a local hospital.

12-year-old Noah and 8-year-old Weston speak to the camera
Noah, 12, and Weston, 8, were honored for rescuing 7-year-old Griffin from the bottom of a pool in Fenton, Michigan.
Genesee County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook

Griffin was released within 36 hours and made a full recovery.

“There were two heroes who saw this and unbeknownst to anybody, they jumped into the pool and they picked up the 7-year-old [and] dragged him to the side,” Swanson said in a Facebook Live video last Thursday.

“… Here’s the best part — the two rescuers are 12 and 8 years old.”

7-year-old Griffin shakes the hand of a sheriff at an outdoor event.
Griffin thanked the boys and first responders for saving his life at an event Thursday.
Genesee County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook

Griffin speaks to the camera as his grandfather stands behind him.
Griffin’s grandfather called the boys heroes and said his grandson wouldn’t be alive if not for them.
Genesee County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook

Sheriff Christopher Swanson speaks to the camera as he pats a 911 dispatcher on the back.
Sheriff Christopher Swanson honored the boys and other first responders at an event Thursday.
Genesee County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook

Swanson and other law enforcement officials honored Noah and Weston Thursday as well as the first responders who helped save Griffin’s life.

The sheriff gave each child a sheriff’s star badge, a bundle of books and $100 each.

Little Griffin’s grandfather also thanked the boys at the event.

“Most heroes don’t wear capes and that’s these guys. Without these guys, he wouldn’t be here right now,” he said as he patted Griffin’s shoulders.

“They did a heroic thing,” he added. “They really did, and I’m getting teary-eyed just thinking about it.”

Weston said he was only doing what he thought was the right thing to do and added that they didn’t want to see someone lose their life.


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