Two California Library Systems Join in Granting Free Access to Banned Books for Young Readers


Officials at both library systems cite the importance of young people having access to books that reflect their community’s diversity as a main reason for participating in the initiative.

“Libraries are the great equalizers. Anyone can visit a library to learn something new and expand their understanding of the world beyond their own experiences,” said Misty Jones, San Diego Public Library Director. “The library must be where diverse materials representing our communities are available and where all ideas can be presented and discussed. Book bans and challenges threaten our freedom to read and the library’s role as an open and welcoming space.”

LA County Library supervisor Janice Hahn said, “Banning books doesn’t protect children. It walls them off from ideas, diversity, and opportunities to learn and grow. In LA County we uphold both freedom of speech and the freedom to read, and through the LA County Library system, we can help counteract the impact of book bans across the state and preserve access to these important stories.”

The registration for San Diego Public Library’s program is here, and LA County Library’s is here.

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