Tucker Carlson Makes Disturbing Prediction In Rant Against Gun Control


Tucker Carlson went straight to “civil war” as he forecast what the U.S. would look like with gun control.

On Wednesday night’s broadcast, the Fox News host waded into the gun control debate, which flared up again this week in the wake of a mass shooting at a Nashville, Tennessee, school.

Carlson mentioned a statistic often touted by gun control proponents ― that there are more civilian-owned firearms in the U.S. than people.

“That’s true,” Carlson said, noting that there are more than 400 million firearms in the country, billions of rounds of ammunition, and that “about half of all U.S. households have at least one gun at home, and many have much more than that.”

“Those are all real numbers, but they are hardly an argument for gun control,” Carlson said. “They’re an argument, in fact, against it.”

“Ask yourself: What would it require to confiscate all those guns and all that ammunition and turn the United States into a disarmed nation like Turkmenistan or North Korea?” he continued.

“Well, it would take a police state and it would end in civil war. No sane person wants either one of those things, but thankfully, we don’t need them.”

The gun death rate in the U.S. is much higher than in other developed nations. The U.S. also has the loosest gun laws and by far the most firearms.

In 2020, firearms surpassed car crashes as the top cause of death for children ages 1 to 18 in the U.S. In no other comparable country are firearm deaths among even the top four causes of death for children, according to an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Three 9-year-olds and three adults were killed on Monday at The Covenant School in Nashville when a 28-year-old shooter wielding three legally purchased guns opened fire.

Gun reforms up for discussion in Congress don’t envision anything like the confiscation scenario Carlson outlined. Democrats and gun safety advocates have proposed reforms like stronger background checks for gun purchases, “red flag” laws to keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands and restrictions on assault-style firearms.

Following Monday’s shooting, President Joe Biden again called on Congress to pass a bill that would ban assault-style weapons, but lawmakers have balked. A federal assault weapons ban in place from 1994 to 2004 restricted sales of those types of weapons, but allowed existing owners to keep their firearms.


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