‘The Bachelorette’ Live Updates: Brayden Vows To Assert Dominance


I can’t lie: I laughed so hard at Brayden’s confessional where he rants against all the other contestants. He had a special kind of ire for Sean, who he said looked like Prince Charming off of “Shrek.” It was an especially good — and accurate — dig against his competitor. But as a person with a butt chin, I take offense to him mocking that aspect. Butt chins can be cute. Anyway, I love that Brayden thinks he’s the front-runner even though he continues to act like a baby who isn’t getting enough time with Charity. Sit down with your dangly earrings. — Erin

My new conspiracy theory is that Brayden only came on this show to showcase his own earring line and get rich as an accessories influencer (I assume that exists, right?) — I kind of want the pair he’s wearing in this scene. — Jill

Ahhhh, nothing like the notable Bigfoot-spotting town of Stevenson, Washington, to keep the romance going (“Finding Bigfoot” + “The Bachelorette” collab when?). Erin, I also cackled at the Brayden commentary, an additional shout-out to his dig on the other guys’ connections with Charity where he says, “Like what do you even have a connection with, you don’t even know her favorite color.” Has “The Bachelorette” always been this funny? I think I’ve laughed out loud at every episode so far this season. –Alexandra

Ok, Brayden the CONNECTION COP?! Like, why are you policing the other men’s relationships with Charity? This is a SHOW. “I HavE tHE sTronGesT cOnnEc—” shut UP! Riding off the success of a singular rose from the first episode is wild. For Brayden, it’s giving … peaked in high school.

And the fact that he said, “I just want you to stop being ‘The Bachelorette’ for one minute, and just be off with me?” Baby, in the words of Rihanna, this is what you came for. You literally entered this reality dating competition called “The Bachelorette” to end up with said bachelorette. Moreover, the presumption that she is performing and keeping up appearances, as opposed to being her authentic self, could be taken as an insult. Maybe you’re just not getting that “real” part of her because *whispers* your connection isn’t that strong, and you’re a vapid 24-year-old. But hey! Who am I! Other than a 24-year-old! — Ruth


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