Stormy Daniels fears scandal could make things ‘worse’ for America


Stormy Daniels tells Page Six that sleeping with Donald Trump is the biggest mistake she’s ever made. And she fears that there may not even be a silver lining — because someone even “worse” could be elected because of the scandal.

The famed porn actress, writer and director is set to receive PornHub’s lifetime achievement award later this month, we have learned.

And in an exclusive interview with Page Six about the honor, Daniels said that — when she reflects on her long career — her alleged 2006 tryst with the future president stands out as her biggest regret.

Asked what she’d do differently if she could have her time again, she told us unequivocally, “Not go to that hotel room.” (She has alleged that she had sex with Trump at a resort in Lake Tahoe, California. Trump — who pleaded not guilty earlier this month on charges related to alleged hush-money payments to Daniels — has consistently denied the claim).

Donald Trump
The porn star tells us that she might consider it a silver lining if the scandal kept Trump out of office at the next election.
Getty Images

And when we asked if it would all be worthwhile if the scandal prevented Trump from being re-elected in 2024, she told us, “It depends on who would get elected instead. It could be even worse.”

“And then I’ve made the most terrible mistake,” she laughed.

Daniels — who is set to release feature film “Redemption,” which she directed for Adam & Eve Films, later this summer — didn’t say which White House front runners she would consider to be a step down from the 45th president. Early contenders for the Republican ticket include Florida governor Ron DeSantis and former ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley.

Stormy Daniels
But Daniels says that she fears that fallout from their alleged affair could lead to someone “even worse” than Trump taking the White House.
Getty Images

We’re told Daniels, who began her career in 2000, will receive the online porn giant’s award at a ceremony in Los Angeles on April 20, where Diplo is set to perform.

The site says that she’s being recognized “for her many contributions, which have helped shape the face of the adult industry as well as American history.”

Daniels told us Thursday that aside from her work on camera and in the director’s chair, “I’m very much involved in advocating for the adult industry, and for sex worker rights and sex positivity.” She said she’s also worked as a lobbyist for adult entertainment companies, “working to change laws that were discriminatory to performers and sex workers.” “I have worked to promote and protect those of us in the industry,” she said.

Stormy Daniels
Daniels is set to be honored on April 20 for her decades-long career, as well as her advocacy for sex workers and contributions for “American history.”

The porn powerhouse also said she’s proud of her brushes with the legal system. In 2020 she helped to get two officers from the Columbus, Ohio, vice squad fired for their part in her wrongful arrest during a performance at a strip club in the city. “I stood up to them to make sure they were held accountable,” she said. “I took the stand in New York and refused to let my career be used against me in my trial against [her former, now jailed lawyer] Michael Avenatti where he tried to say that because I was a porn actress that I was acting and so I’m not a credible witness.” (Avenatti was sentenced to four years in prison in 2022 for stealing nearly $300,000 in book advance money from Daniels.) 

She said that a high point of her career was her first feature film, erotic Western “Wanted,” in 2015. “It had all the pieces: it had a great story, it had great actors and actresses, it had fight scenes and period wardrobe and location because it was set in the 1880s.”

Daniels is to become the second recipient of PornHub’s lifetime achievement award. We reported in 2020 that Italian adult star Ciccolina was to receive the first one.


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