Shameless AOC is queen Democrat bee of ‘rules for thee but not for me’


Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hates the super-rich.

Barely a week goes by without her publicly raging against billionaires, and saying they shouldn’t be allowed to exist alongside poverty in America.

It’s not just the “immorality” of it all that this self-styled working-class firecracker from the Bronx despises, it’s the “inequality.”

Raging against America’s economic injustice, she told the New York Times in 2019: “We are at our richest point that we’ve ever been, but we’ve also been our most unequal.”

So, you would imagine that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez would view something like New York’s annual Met Gala as the very epitome of revoltingly immoral and unequal capitalist excess attended by the wealthiest and most famous people in the US all showing off how rich they are in an orgy of lavishly over-the-top indulgence?


It turns out young Alexandria was so desperate to be there, partying with the world’s most privileged people, that she over-ruled her own anti-corruption lawyer’s warning not to go as a guest of hosts, Vogue magazine.

Only, being a good socialist, she didn’t want to pay for her $35,000 ticket, or another one for her boyfriend.

No, she wanted $70,000 worth of freebies, and later lied about who gave them to her.

Then, as The Post revealed yesterday in shocking detail, she got her staff to haggle down the costs of all her VIP trimmings, from the haute couture white dress — which, with comical irony, had the words ‘TAX THE RICH’ emblazoned on it — to her make-up, limousine and even her boyfriend’s bowtie.

None of this should surprise seasoned observers of Ocasio-Cortez’s laughable hypocrisy when it comes to flaunting wealth or blathering on about financial equality.

For an Interview magazine shoot several years ago, in which she draped herself around construction workers and talked about the urgent need for more to be done to tackle financial inequality, she wore a $1,990 Gabriela Hearst blazer, $890 matching wool pants, and $625 Manolo Blahnik pumps.

AOC at the Met.
AOC wore a gown with ‘TAX THE RICH’ emblazoned on it.
Kevin Mazur/MG21/Getty Images For The Met Museum/Vogue

And another time, she said New York’s yellow cabs “are in financial ruin due to the unregulated expansion of Uber” only for it to be revealed her own campaign spent $4,000 on 160 Uber rides in California (where she wasn’t even running for office) over a three-month period.

She’s not the only Democrat partial to practice the opposite to what they preach.

Remember when Gavin Newsom locked up California like Fort Knox during the COVID pandemic, but then got caught breaking lockdown rules to attend a friend’s birthday party at one of America’s most expensive restaurants, The French Laundry?

He called it “a mistake” but he knew exactly what he was doing.

Just as he did when he contravened his own COVID rules again to pose for photos with Los Angeles Mayor Gil Garcetti, San Francisco Mayor London Breed and immunocompromised Magic Johnson, all of them maskless, at the Rams-49ers Divisional Championship, as if somehow the virus didn’t infiltrate VIP hospitality suites.

And just as Georgia’s then Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams did last year when she sat maskless and beaming with delight in a classroom full of miserable-looking kids all forced to wear masks.

Disgraced ex-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a Women’s Equality Act proposal that banned sexual harassment in the workplace, and a workplace anti-discrimination bill in 2019 which he said was needed to combat an “ongoing, persistent culture” of abuse.

Then the governor had to resign over persistent workplace harassment and abuse.

President Biden’s list of hypocritical statements would cover the entire Southern Border if it was a wall.

But a typical example would be his indignant attack on President Trump’s “irresponsible” handling of classified documents found at his home, weeks before classified documents were found at Biden’s home.

President Obama was just as bad, leading the condemnation of Trump’s tough immigration policies without mentioning he himself deported over three million migrants in his eight-year tenure, or that he also separated families and kept kids in cages.

And as for Hillary Clinton, where do you start?

Perhaps with the outrage she expressed over the prospect of the White House being occupied by a serial womanizer accused of sexually assaulting women, unless it was her husband not Trump, and the need to believe all women accusers unless they were accusing Bill, in which case they were liars.

It’s the same duplicitous thinking adopted by liberal celebrities.

The likes of Prince Harry and Leonardo DiCaprio love to lecture about the environment and climate change but catch private planes like buses.

AOC at the Met.
James Devaney/GC Images

Meryl Streep feigned horror at friend Harvey Weinstein’s sexual depravity but once led a standing ovation at the Oscars for fugitive child rapist Roman Polanski when he won an award in absentia because he was evading US justice.

And MAGA-loathing Jussie Smollett raged against liars and racists then faked a racist attack on himself.

And so, it goes nauseatingly on.

The one common theme of all these two-faced Democrat miscreants is that they invariably escape the venom of self-righteous opprobrium that THEY would rain down on Republicans’ heads if it were the other way round.

That’s the beauty of being a liberal hypocrite — your fellow liberals will never call you out on it!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows this, which is why she thinks she can constantly get away with it, and is so breathtakingly shameless about doing so.

When it comes to “rules for thee, not for me,” AOC is queen bee.


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