Seattle Residents Mock Fox News Reporter’s Attempt To Discuss The City’s Crime


Fox News sent a reporter to Seattle to find out how residents of the Emerald City feel about crime, and he didn’t exactly get the warmest of welcomes.

In fact, one man insisted he’s never seen crime in the city.

“I’ve never seen any crime in Seattle,” he told Johnny Belisario, the reporter who was sent to the city by Jesse Watters of “The Five.” “I’ve seen fun and laughter and laughter and fun.”

“Crime is a social issue that could be solved by giving people their basic needs,” one woman tells him flatly.

But the most memorable moment came when another woman in a green jacket was having absolutely none of his talking points.

“I’ve never heard of anyone getting robbed,” she said. “People just don’t come up and try to rob people on the street.”

Elsewhere in the segment, Watters griped that people in Seattle have purple hair, wear masks and dress like fans of 1990s grunge music, which originated in the Seattle area.

See the full Fox News segment below:


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