Saudi Arabia will send the first woman into space this year


Saudi Arabia will send a female astronaut into space in 2023. This is the first time this conservative country plans to send a woman into space. It should be noted that China is desperate to undermine the monopoly of Russia and America in the space war. Arab countries also want to shine their place in this list. In such a situation, this decision of Saudi Arabia will change their ultra-conservative image.

But this declaration is not new. In September last year, the Saudis announced that they would send female astronauts into space. But then it was known that they want to go to space in 2030. The Saudi Space Commission said that if everything goes well, people will be sent into space to improve human civilization. Among them will be a female astronaut.

But this time, the deadline has come in a flash. The campaign will be in the second half of 2023. According to Saudi official media, a female astronaut named Rayana Barnaoui will go into space with a male astronaut named Ali Al-Qarni.

For a long time, Russia and America have been fighting for power in space. Space was one of the arenas of the ‘Cold War’. According to which the then Soviet Union sent the first man, the first woman and the first artificial satellite into space. Later, America gave them a strong push by sending people to the moon. Times have changed. China is moving forward with the goal of expanding its dominance in space. Arab countries are also planning in that direction. Source: CNBC.


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