Rudy Giuliani Claims He Boycotted Yankees Games: ‘I Love My Country’ More


Rudy Giuliani claims he boycotted New York Yankees games over the organization’s support for Black Lives Matter.

“I want the American people to stop, don’t go to Dodger games. The Dodgers have decided to declare war on Christianity, forget the Dodgers. You don’t have to go,” Giuliani said in an interview with Newsmax.

“I did that with the Yankees when they supported Black Lives Matter. Sorry, I love my country more than baseball,” he added.

He didn’t clarify to Newsmax how long his boycott lasted or whether he has since resumed attending games. Giuliani did not immediately respond to a HuffPost request for clarification on his remarks.

Since the summer of 2020, the ex-mayor has been an avid supporter of the Yankees on Twitter and has referred to himself as the “Yankees’ No. 1 fan” despite his claim of a boycott.

“Some mayors would take a passive approach, and support both the @Yankees and @Mets… Not me! I am #Yankees all the way,” Giuliani wrote in a tweet in October. “You ALWAYS know where I stand.”


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