Retired Judge Explains Why Trump Is ‘Really Afraid’ Of Judge In Election Case


Former California Superior Court Judge LaDoris Hazzard Cordell, appearing on CNN’s “The Source” on Monday, argued it wasn’t really because they feared Chutkan would be partial or unfair to Trump, which Trump’s team has argued because of the harsh sentences she’s already handed down to Jan. 6 rioters and for a comment she made about Trump remaining free.

After all, Cordell noted, it would be a jury deciding Trump’s innocence or guilt.

Instead, Cordell said, Trump’s legal team was “really afraid” that “if he’s convicted, that she will be the sentencing judge, and they’ve seen how she has responded to those who have been convicted of their involvement.”

Cordell doubted Chutkan would recuse herself, however.

“My view, given her history already in this case and other cases, she can absolutely be fair in this case. So they’re really grasping for straws,” she said in a video shared online by Mediaite.


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