Republicans Fall Short Of Spilling Details On So-Called Biden ‘Bribery’ Scheme


A number of Republicans took to Fox News to weigh in on possible “evidence” against President Joe Biden in a so-called “bribery” scheme.

But they failed to offer details after the House Oversight Committee sent a subpoena to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland over the allegations.

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), in a press release, called on the FBI to “produce an unclassified record alleging a criminal scheme” where Biden, while vice president, allegedly engaged in “an exchange of money for policy decisions” with a foreign national. The pair cited whistleblower disclosures that tipped them off about the record.

Republicans, including Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), didn’t dish out much details about the record – one the FBI uses to describe an interaction with a confidential source – but discussed “evidence” regardless on Wednesday.

“Other than that, there is documentation that the FBI has and I just say again to those Democrats out there screaming about how ‘Joe Biden is innocent, Joe Biden hasn’t done anything,’ well fine, then show us what you know,” Hawley told Fox News’ Lawrence Jones.

“Show us what the evidence is in the allegations, don’t be afraid of what the facts are.”

Comer, earlier this year, described investigating the Biden family as akin to “tracking a bleeding bear through a snowstorm.”

He, along with Grassley, wrote in their letter on Wednesday that it was unclear whether the FBI – or the DOJ – took steps to probe the matter although the pair referred to the document’s specificity as enough to confirm whether the allegations are true.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) also spoke of “evidence” to Fox News’ Sean Hannity and implied Biden could face impeachment due to the scheme.

“It doesn’t have to be a high crime or misdemeanor because the Constitution specifies that impeachment lies for treason, bribery, other high crimes or misdemeanors,” he said.

“Bribery is explicitly noted in the Constitution and I got to say the evidence – not only against Hunter Biden but the evidence against Joe Biden being complicit and profiting from this corruption – is growing and growing and growing.”

Grassley, meanwhile, also cautioned on Fox News that people “gotta’ wait” for more information on any details while Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said it’ll be up to Republicans whether they’ll acknowledge if the allegations turn out to not be credible.

Ian Sams, a White House spokesperson for oversight and investigations, slammed Republicans over their allegations in a statement to multiple outlets.

“For going on five years now, Republicans in Congress have been lobbing unfounded, unproven, politically motivated attacks against the President and his family without offering evidence for their claims or evidence of decisions influenced by anything other than U.S. interests,” Sams said.

“That’s because they prefer floating anonymous innuendo, amplified by the megaphone of their allies in rightwing media, to get attention.”

The Justice Department confirmed it received the letter while the FBI noted that it received the letter and subpoena, The Hill reported. Both declined to comment more on the topic.


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