‘Public Humiliation’: Lauren Boebert Makes A Splash With Weird Rant On Pee Laws


Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) used up some of her time during a House committee meeting on Wednesday to ask a series of rambling questions on urinating in public.

The conspiracy theorist lawmaker seemed to think she was setting up Washington, D.C. council member Charles Allen on revisions to the city’s laws that she said would decriminalize public urination.

Except as Allen noted, none of that is true.

“Did you or did you not decriminalize public urination in Washington, D.C.?” she demanded.

“No we did not,” he replied.

“Did you lead the charge to do so?” she pressed.

“No,” he said. “The revised criminal code left that as a criminal charge.”

“Did you lead the charge to decriminalize public urination in Washington, D.C.?” she asked again.

“No ma’am,” he said.

“Did you ever vote in favor of decriminalizing public urination in Washington DC?” she asked yet again.

Allen said the new code keeps public urination a criminal offense, but Boebert pressed on anyway, suggesting in multiple ways that peeing in public was decriminalized in D.C.

And each time, she got the same answer: It’s still a crime.

On Twitter, Boebert’s critics stepped in to tell her that line of questioning was all wet:


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