Only ceasefire can stop Ukraine conflict: Hungarian foreign minister


The solutions Europe is trying to find to resolve the crisis in Ukraine are not working, and the conflict can only end with a ceasefire, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in an interview with SVT TV channel.

‘The first goal is to stop killing people, which means a ceasefire agreement and nothing more,’ he said. According to Szijarto, EU sanctions have failed to stop the conflict.

‘We have already introduced 10 sanctions packages; Has it brought us closer to a solution (of the conflict)? no Has it brought Russia to its knees? no Has it harmed us? yes I think that the ‘solution’ that we are trying to find in Europe has simply not worked, because we have gone too far with the mentality of war,’ he noted.

Asked why Hungary is not sending weapons to Kiev, the foreign minister said, ‘We are a country whose neighbor is Ukraine, and we don’t want more people to die. That’s why we’re working to stop it. We do not send weapons. We continue to speak for peace.’ Source: Tas.


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