More than 1,000 flights have been canceled in the US since Wednesday night due to the winter storm


A strong winter storm is blowing in the northern parts of America, including Minnesota. More than 1,000 flights have been canceled since Wednesday night by several airlines of the country.


According to news agency Reuters, two airlines, Delta Airlines and Southwest Airlines Company, have canceled a total of 1,035 flights in the United States since 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday. The two companies also canceled flights to foreign countries except domestic flights in the United States.

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America’s civil aviation regulator, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), tweeted on Tuesday that bad weather could cause many flights to be delayed or even canceled, mainly in Great Lakes states, including Minnesota. A website called FlightAware reported on Wednesday that 932 flights out of more than 1,000 were delayed.

Parts of the Northern Plains, including the Upper Midwest, are already receiving up to 2 inches of snow per hour, according to the U.S. Weather Service. A gust of wind is also blowing. A hen inclement weather will affect air travel.


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