Mom beats ‘crazy odds’ by having 3 ‘rainbow’ sons with same birthday


What May-hem!

A UK mom, who claims she was told that she may never get pregnant, has beaten the “crazy odds” of 133,000/1 — by giving birth to three “rainbow babies” with the same June birthday.

“I suffered the heartache of watching friends and family members having children, adamant that it would never be my turn,” Emma Smith, 42, who suffers from endometritis, told SWNS.

“I was always the ‘Bridget Jones’ of the group, watching them having their children and families and everything and genuinely never thought it would happen for me.”

But it did happen for her — in a big way. She and her partner, Dave Mycock, 39, welcomed their first child, son Alfie James, now 7, on June 20, 2016, which she calls a “miracle.”

Photo of a mom and dad with their three sons.
Emma Smith, 42, who suffers from endometritis, beat the “crazy” odds by giving birth to three “rainbow” babies — all on the same day.
William Lailey SWNS

The couple’s shock turned to disbelief when they welcomed two more sons, Jesse Joe, 4, and Arley Jay, 1 month, also on June 20.

All of Smith’s kids are “rainbow babies” — a term used to describe a baby that’s born after the mother has a miscarriage.

“If you were to put a bet on a horse with those odds, you’d never think it would come in as a winner, but we certainly have — three times,” Smith told SWNS.

“It’s a complete miracle, it’s magical, and we just feel completely and utterly blessed.”

Photo of two smiling blond children holding an infant.
“I was always the ‘Bridget Jones’ of the group, watching them having their children and families and everything and genuinely never thought it would happen for me,” Smith admitted to SWNS.
William Lailey SWNS

Smith was diagnosed with endometritis at 18, and doctors reportedly advised her to start trying for a family right away for the best shot at a healthy pregnancy.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine lining. The condition may make it more difficult to conceive and maintain a pregnancy, per The National Library of Medicine.

Smith said she underwent 10 operations in an attempt to remove the growth from her uterus, but it always returned and even became more “aggressive.”

She suffered a miscarriage before welcoming Alfie.

Photo of three children lying on the ground and smiling.
All of Smith’s kids were born on June 20.
William Lailey SWNS

Smith and Mycock had two more boys on the same day — without trying.

“Everybody’s laughed and joked, ‘It must be their wedding anniversary!’” Smith told SWNS. “The only thing we’ve laughed about is we do sometimes go on holiday in September.”

“But there’s no kind of planning. Practically, your body cycle changes anyway, so you couldn’t plan for it,” she added.

She explained that when she was pregnant with Jesse following a miscarriage, his due date was July 4, but he ended up popping out a little bit early.

The mom of three says she considers herself to be a spiritual person and believes her sons’ birthdate has a significant meaning, as her birthday is May 11, and Mycock’s is May 9.

“I said, ‘How ironic is this, our birthdays added together equal 20, and that’s really lovely because that’s ‘Alfie’s birthday,’” she said. “So we’ll never forget — me plus you equals him.”

Photo of a baby in the NICU.
“It’s a complete miracle, it’s magical, and we just feel completely and utterly blessed,” Smith said of her bundles of joy.
Emma Smith / SWNS

Photo of smiling family around a baby in the NICU.
Now that they have Alfie James, 7, Jesse Joe, 4, and Arley Jay, 1 month, it seems Smith and her partner, Dave Mycock, are done having children.
Emma Smith / SWNS

And Smith, who works as an event planner, has already started thinking about joint birthday celebrations for her kids.

“It’s like having two Christmases because obviously that is in December, and we’re smack bang in the middle of the year, six months round,” she said.

She joked: “I think we could definitely go for a fourth and get a girl on the 20th next year. But Dave has said he’s definitely putting a stop to it — and the answer’s ‘no.’”


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