Mike Pence Scrambles To Dance Around Host’s Trump Question In Tense Interview


Former Vice President Mike Pence tried to dodge a question about whether he’d pardon Donald Trump during a radio interview on Wednesday, leading to some tense moments with host Clay Travis.

Travis reminded Pence that he had ripped the federal indictment of the former president as “political-based charges.”

But Pence, who formally announced his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination last week, said those charges are serious, that he couldn’t defend the allegations, and then danced around the question of a pardon for his old boss should he win the election.

“I just think it’s premature to have any conversation about that right now,” Pence said.

Travis argued that Trump’s prosecution would set an “awful” precedent, then pushed back at Pence.

“With all due respect, when you aren’t telling us what your decision would be, I think you’re dodging the question and frankly, not stepping up on the front of leadership which in the past you’ve been willing to do. So to me not answering is a no,” Travis said.

“Well, look, number one I don’t think you know what the president’s defense is, do ya? What are the facts? We either believe in our judicial process in this country or we don’t. We either stand by the rule of law or we don’t. What I would tell you is…” Pence fired back before the host interrupted him.

“What I’m hearing is you’re fine with Donald Trump being put in prison, sir, and that to me since you were his vice president feels pretty disrespectful,” Travis replied.

“I have a standard rule, I don’t talk about hypotheticals,” Pence said as he laughed off the host’s remarks.


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