Mehdi Hasan Shows Why ‘Civil War’ Threats Aren’t ‘Abstract’ Amid Trump Legal Troubles


Mehdi Hasan broke down why threats of political violence aren’t “just talk” as he pointed out how violence has been “happening right now” and “increasing” following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

The MSNBC host, on Sunday, looked at legal matters concerning former President Donald Trump just as Georgia prosecutors look to bring their election interference case against him to a grand jury on Tuesday.

Hasan asked how a possible conviction and sentencing of the former president could play out with his supporters before pointing to one Trump backer’s response in a recent interview by NBC News’ Vaughn Hillyard.

″If Donald Trump were to be found guilty by a jury, where do you see this going?” Hillyard asked a woman in a Trump 2024 shirt.

″Civil war… ’cause we can’t live together, obviously,” the Trump supporter said at a New Hampshire rally last week.

Hasan argued that people could dismiss the answer as the “rantings of a cultish Trump superfan” before pointing to recent remarks from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who recently declared that “only through force” can there be change in Washington.

He also looked at recent comments from Michigan state Rep. Matt Maddock, who – in a clip shared by The Messenger – warned that there could be a “civil war or some sort of revolution” if the government “continues to weaponize” departments against conservatives and citizens.

“Now you might say, again, ‘that’s just talk, talk is cheap,’ but it’s not just talk. Political violence is not just something abstract or something that might happen at some point in the future, it’s happening right now,” said Hasan, who pointed to a Reuters report on over 200 cases of political violence since the Capitol riot.

He also looked at a warning from the federal judge overseeing the 2020 election case against Trump after she said “even arguably ambiguous statements” from him or his team could be viewed as an attempt to intimidate witnesses.

″We have to condemn the violence and the incitement of violence, we have to take steps to prevent it from escalating out of all control,” Hasan said.

“The threat of civil war, of domestic conflict, is no longer hyperbole. And so we just cannot afford to normalize political violence and the threat of political violence in this country just because Donald Trump benefits from it and the Republican Party seems totally fine with it.”

You can watch more from Hasan in the clip below.


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