Mehdi Hasan Reveals How He’d Call Out Donald Trump’s ‘Bulls**t’ To His Face


In a profile published by the Guardian on Thursday, the MSNBC anchor noted how the former president overwhelms opponents “with bullshit, nonsense, lies over and over again at such a rapid pace” that they don’t “have the ability to stop and fact-check them in real-time.”

Trump is “a master” of the art of “Gish Galloping,” he said.

The tactic to cut through the bluster then, said Hasan, is to “break it down” and not budge — and also call it out.

“Say: ‘We know what you’re doing,’” Hasan advised. “Make everyone aware of what’s going on. I always talk about breaking the fourth wall. Make very clear this is a bullshit strategy: you’re trying to overwhelm me with bullshit.”

Hasan acknowledged it’s impossible to rebut all 100 of the lies that Trump frequently firehoses on reporters at any given moment.

“So what you do is just pick one lie and take that apart, and that becomes a symbol for all the other 99 lies,” he suggested. “Because Trump wants you to be distracted by 100 because he knows he can’t defend any of those 100 individually.”

Elsewhere in the profile promoting his new book “Win Every Argument,” Hasan slammed Fox News as “a propaganda arm” of the GOP and explained why he believes President Joe Biden is “the most impressive president of my lifetime.”


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