Meghan and Harry’s ‘near-catastrophic’ car chase ‘story is unraveling’


Piers Morgan, Megyn Kelly and Caitlyn Jenner have trashed Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s claim that they were caught up in a “near catastrophic” 2-hour car chase in Manhattan on Tuesday night.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex released a statement on Wednesday morning saying they were hounded by snappers after they left Women of Vision Awards and headed to a private residence on the Upper East Side.

“Last night, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Ms. Ragland were involved in a near catastrophic car chase at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi,” a spokesperson for the couple claimed.

“This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD officers,” they added,

However, the car chase claims raised eyebrows with some Sussex critics, including Morgan, who bluntly tweeted: “There was no 2-hour chase, their story is unraveling by the minute.”

Kelly, meanwhile, also expressed doubts that it would take 120 minutes for the Sussexes to travel from Midtown to the neighboring Upper East Side.

“I lived in Manhattan for 17 yrs & it is not possible to have a 2hr ‘car chase’ there,’” she wrote. “Too many street lights/stop signs, too much foot/car traffic & hundreds of places you could safely pull over to protect yourself.”

Jenner, who is no stranger to being chased by paparazzi, also tweeted: “I have been party to paps following me in NY (definitely not 2 hrs and plenty of evidence – kind of the point since they have cameras), LA (even in a city with lots of driving and long distances between destinations, not 2 hours, and AGAIN LOTS OF EVIDENCE) it comes with the territory. Whine whine whine is all these 2 seem to do.”

Harry and Meghan are seen at the Women of Vision Awards in Manhattan last night.
Harry and Meghan are seen at the Women of Vision Awards in Manhattan last night.


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