Man Who Sued Gwyneth Paltrow Over Ski Crash Says Trial Was ‘Absolutely Not’ Worth It


Terry Sanderson had accused the actor and lifestyle mogul of crashing into him on the slopes of Utah’s upscale Deer Valley Resort in 2016. He said the alleged hit-and-run left him seriously injured, and initially sought $3 million in damages, which was later reduced to $300,000. Paltrow, for her part, said that Sanderson had actually skied into her.

This week, a Park City jury sided with Paltrow, who had countersued Sanderson for only $1 and payment of her legal fees.

After the trial, Sanderson told reporters that he was “very disappointed” in the verdict. When reporters asked whether the ordeal of the highly publicized litigation — which included scrutiny of his medical history and media mockery — was “worth it,” he had a definitive answer: “Absolutely not.”

“I joked about dating sites, right?” Sanderson said, referring to earlier comments he made about how the trial would make online dating difficult. “It’s like, I’m going to be on the internet forever.”

He also shut down a suggestion from “Extra” host Billy Bush about appearing on a reality show.

“I don’t need that,” Sanderson responded.

He did, however, praise Paltrow as being “very kind” at the conclusion of the trial, when she exited the courtroom and whispered to him, “I wish you well.”


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