Letters to the Editor — Feb. 12, 2023


FDNY fury

I applaud Chiefs John Hodgens and John Esposito for taking a principled stand against the unprecedented action of FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh (“Fuming at commish,” Feb. 9).

The demoted chiefs have given decades of dedicated service to the FDNY and the people of New York. They wouldn’t have risen to the rank of chief if they had not demonstrated leadership and accomplishment.

This is just another example of this administration trying to destroy every institution it touches. The FDNY has been around for 158 years and survived much worse than this by sticking together in brotherhood. This is another one of those times.

Nick Gaudiosi

Long Beach

RIP, Bacharach

It is difficult to overstate the importance and brilliance of the late Burt Bacharach in 20th-century popular music (“Say a little prayer,” Feb. 10).

His loss is painful. Thankfully, his talent and musical genius will be with us forever.

Oren Spiegler

Peters Township, Pa.

The Truth of OCD

As someone living with obsessive compulsive disorder, I am incredibly disappointed and disheartened by the recent article “Lost in Thought” (John Mac Ghlionn, PostScript, Feb. 4).

Yes, there may be some extremists who also have OCD, but the vast majority of those living with OCD do not fit the profile of an extremist.

The article makes an assumption that the three million Americans affected by OCD might have extremist tendencies, which is harmful and insulting.

This overgeneralization and vilification of an already misunderstood mental illness is incredibly harmful and further perpetuates the stigma that surrounds OCD.

Rebecca Kaplan

Port Chester

Gun crime fix

Kevin D. Williamson’s article describing how New York’s current gun laws miss the mark and suggesting how we could more effectively combat gun violence does not miss a single point (“Fair & Simple,” PostScript, Feb. 5).

It should be required reading for the governor and our legislators, whose goal seems to be to totally disarm law-abiding citizens and leave guns only in the hands of those who care not about obeying the law.

Prohibition could not make drinking go away. Why do we think it will work any better with guns? As Williamson so aptly points out, license-holders are not the problem. Criminals are.

George Nigriny


Florida’s success

The Post’s perspective that “Florida’s population surge is noteworthy since the influx of young professionals is changing the perception of the Sunshine State from a locale primarily for retirees to an in-demand hub for tech and finance” is exactly right (“Jobs flying south,” Feb. 4).

Florida’s state university and higher education system has been ranked No. 1 in the nation for six consecutive years, accelerating access to talent for our employers and providing jobs for the new residents joining us each year. Florida has also passed New York to become the nation’s third-most-populous state, and we lead the nation in attracting those earning over $200,000.

This is not by chance. Florida has an engaged business community and, thanks to the leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis and state legislative leaders, the support necessary to maintain a climate for economic growth that is second to none. We’ll continue to welcome more of our friends from New York — just be sure to leave your coats at home.

Eric Silagy, Chair, The Florida Council of 100

Tampa, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.


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