Letters to the Editor — Aug. 13, 2023


Mayoral nonsense

Maybe it takes the sensibilities of an average citizen to guide mayors (“THIS isn’t a mob?!” Aug. 5).

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson should worry less about the wording (“mob” versus “disorderly people”) and more about instituting appropriate criminal penalties for these types of behaviors.

It’s also time for Mayor Adams to revoke New York City’s sanctuary status and get a grip on the number of individuals who have flooded the city.

Can we see some sensible and rational actions to take our cities back?

Amy Hendel, Manhattan

Left’s threat

Victor Davis Hanson has eloquently presented the most complete, compelling, and frightening analysis of the left’s determination to radically alter the United States into a one-party state with the government exercising massive control over everything (“10 insidious ways the left has seized and warped the US,” Aug. 8).

Perhaps the most insidious of all of the outlined categories is the media, which enables the government to impose its vast array of beliefs.

The expansion of wokism has already found its way into such areas as the arts, medicine, sports, religion, and education at its earliest levels.

News online in phone. Reading newspaper from website.
Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote a story for the NY Post on how American culture is “under assault.”
Getty Images

It will be particularly challenging to put a halt to this tsunami.

As a very old (90) American, I have conflicting hopes and worries about the future.

Will I live to see any changes?

What will my children and grandchildren have to experience?

Samuel Frazer, Fort Myers, Fla.

Protest pest

In a way, I feel sorry for the parents of rich kid Theodore Weintraub, who paid people to protest a bar that wouldn’t serve him, even though they created this monster themselves (“Sore Boozer,” Aug. 4).

This is only the beginning. Not only can’t this spoiled brat accept rejection, but he also used the memory of the Holocaust (among other despicable acts) as a weapon to get his own way and fuel his ego.

Parents, get this kid to therapy quickly.

Maybe he’ll be able to turn his thinking around, giving him a chance at a sane life.

Nicholas Paul, Fort Lee, NJ

No-impeach Mitch

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, in saying that Republicans should not impeach President Biden, is making an early judgment before all the facts are in (“Mitch: Don’t impeach Joe,” Aug. 9).

McConnell should have said that we need to let the facts come out to decide if there is enough to impeach.

Why rule out impeachment?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has gently nudged his Republican members in the House of Representatives to pump the brakes on the chatter of impeaching President Biden, according to reports.
Stefani Reynolds/CNP/AdMedia

Typical doormat McConnell just wants us all to get along and be friendly to each other.

The problem is that the Democrats and the press don’t play by this approach.

The old saying of “lead, follow or get out the way” is not appropriate for McConnell: Lead or get out of the way.

Brice Russell, Naples, Fla.

Pepper-spray perp

This story is especially reprehensible (“Woman seen in wild video brutally attacking taco vendor arrested, fired from job,” Aug. 10).

I was truly sickened by the alleged conduct of this vile woman.

She represents everything that’s wrong with our society.

If her behavior was truly unprovoked, she’s a violent thief and a despicable vandal.

She demonstrates zero respect for the rule of law and shows inexplicable contempt for an honest small business owner.

If convicted, she needs to be jailed for the absolute maximum term allowable by law.

She makes an extraordinarily compelling argument for zero-tolerance law enforcement.

Peter Janoff, Stamford, Conn.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.


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