Letters to the Editor — April 3, 2023


The Issue: A grand jury’s indictment of Donald Trump for hush payment to Stormy Daniels in 2016.

The indictment of former President Donald Trump deserves only ridicule, as it is perfect proof of the get-Trump-attitude of District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the Democrats (“The gathering Stormy,” March 31).

It is a waste of taxpayer’s money, time and resources.

Bragg should be fired. His poor crime control has made Manhattan unsafe, and he is a major reason New York lost nearly a half-million taxpayers last year, this writer included.

Who will pay the bills now? Released criminals? Disappeared tourists? The homeless? Illegal immigrants?

Message to Bragg: I will vote for Trump in 2024.

Marsha Guibor

Bedminster, NJ

Whether Trump is innocent or guilty is up to a jury, not politicians or media talking heads.

Florida Gov. Ron De-Santis making a statement that the charges are strictly politics and therefore his state won’t aid in extradition is anti-democratic and a sad commentary on the slow eradication of the American legal system.

I urge everyone to take a deep breath and allow the system to work, no matter what side of the aisle you are on.

Gary Kleinman

Los Angeles, Calif.

There’s no question that Bragg’s prosecution of Trump for an alleged low-level crime is a political hit.

Bragg wouldn’t be prosecuting Trump if he wasn’t running because it would likely be understood that the voters enacted justice when Trump was defeated at the ballot box in 2020.

In cases such as this, the voters are the ultimate triers of fact, but Bragg is obviously using his control of the criminal-justice system as a political weapon in an attempt to prevent them from having their votes count again.

Charles T. Compton

The Bronx

We beggars can’t be choosy, so we’ll take a Trump indictment no matter what — but how dishonest is this prosecution by Bragg (who is as shady as Trump)?

The sole reason Bragg was allowed to present this case to a jury is because the entire establishment needs Trump neutralized for the 2024 race.

DeSantis and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu can’t begin their presidential campaigns properly, knowing Trump and his fanatics will eat them alive.

Even when our government does the right thing, it’s for sleazy political motives.

Janice Amato


For more than 50 years, Trump’s army of attorneys almost always won or settled his numerous lawsuits.

Those wins made Trump feel like he was above the law and would not be held accountable.

That said, it is blatantly obvious that the indictment of Trump by the Manhattan district attorney is political prosecution (payback).

Daniel Robinowitz

Dallas, Texas

By indicting Trump, Bragg has turned a misdemeanor case into a felony case.

Our nation is broken, and the vultures will start to circle around us.

China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are licking their lips in anticipation of further chaos.

Wendy Penner

Great Neck

This indictment is purely political. In fact, dictators both on the right and left go after their political opponents using the same methods.

I strongly condemn this indictment. How can we call ourselves a republic now?

M. Haas

Berkeley, Calif.

So let’s get this straight: You can firebomb a police car during the Black Lives Matter riots in New York City and basically get a slap on the wrist if you are a liberal.

A Republican, however, is another story. Every American should be outraged.

Tony Barone

Marine Park

No matter one’s personal opinion of Trump, this reckless indictment sets a dangerous precedent.

I’m afraid we have one foot in banana republic territory, and the other foot on a banana peel.

Timothy Hiel


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