Lawrence O’Donnell Tears Apart Jim Jordan And His Team Of ‘Unprofessional Hacks’


O’Donnell’s takedown comes after Jordan and fellow House GOP chairs questioned Bragg in a letter earlier this week for what they described as an “unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.”

Bragg’s office, on Thursday, slammed the letter penned by top House Republicans and referred to it as an “unprecedented inquiry into a pending local prosecution.”

“New York City had courtrooms 135 years before Ohio did and today, it showed,” said O’Donnell, who called out Jordan for not taking the bar examination while at his alum Capital University Law School.

“Alvin Bragg’s reply letter to Jim Jordan is the single most humiliating letter ever received by a chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, every one of whom has known much more about the law than Jim Jordan.”

He said he expected Jordan would refuse the DA’s offer for his office to meet with staffers over information “that relates to a legitimate legislative interest.”

“The unprofessional hacks who work for Jim Jordan – including any of those who may have passed the bar exam somewhere – now have the choice to travel to New York City to be interviewed in a Manhattan district attorney’s office about what they’re up to,” O’Donnell said.

“They would be surrounded by prosecutors taking notes on everything they say. Jim Jordan is out of moves with Alvin Bragg at the end of round one.”


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