Jon Stewart Annihilates Take That An Indictment Could Give Trump ‘Martyr’ Status


Jon Stewart declared that America either has “the rule of law” or doesn’t as he slammed claims that a possible indictment of former President Donald Trump could up his chances of becoming president again.

The former “Daily Show” host’s take comes after a number of Republicans revealed that they think an indictment in the Manhattan district attorney’s ongoing hush money investigation could aid Trump’s campaign in 2024.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, in an interview with Stewart on Sunday, referred to the arguments before the comedian quipped that the law should “always take into account someone’s popularity.”

He later took a serious swing at the prospect of a Trump win following a potential indictment.

“He could become president anyway. Fareed, we either have the rule of law or we have no rule of law,” Stewart responded. “The rule of law does not take into account if that might make you a martyr to somebody.”

Stewart added that Trump became popular due to a lack of accountability for those in power before taking a magnifying glass to questions over whether an indictment should occur.

″‘Should we? Should we not?’ … [but] Did he do something wrong? What was it? Explain that to us. What is the law that he supposedly violated? What are the ramifications of it?” asked Stewart.

“I don’t see him ever actually going to jail. I personally don’t even care. I just want a system that somehow finds a consistent accountability.”

You can watch more from his interview with Zakaria below.


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