Joe Scarborough And Co. Pile On I-Words To Illuminate Trump’s ‘Idiotic’ Fox News Spin


Former President Donald Trump was incoherent and incriminating in his Fox News interview, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said on Tuesday. (Watch the video below.)

He was also incompetent, irrational and idiotic, MSNBC analyst Elise Jordan chimed in.

“Morning Joe” launched an i-word assault on Trump for his shaky defense of why he willfully kept classified documents from the government when asked to give them back. Trump pleaded not guilty to 37 charges last week, but didn’t help his case in the often-friendly territory of Fox News.

On Monday night, Fox News analyst Brit Hume started the i-pummeling of the GOP’s leading presidential candidate for 2024 by declaring Trump’s claims to be “incoherent.”

The ex-president weakly explained that he didn’t have time to return the files and had some papers mixed in with golf shirts.

After playing a clip of Hume’s takedown, Scarborough offered his insight to the insipid inanities initiated by Trump.

“It was incoherent, and I must say incoherent, incriminating and stupid,” the “Morning Joe” host said.

In trying to decipher the president’s rationale, Scarborough said: “Why did he hide the documents? Because he had golf shirts, clothing, pants and shoes inside cases with nuclear information, war plans against Iran, and some of America’s greatest vulnerabilities are all in there with Mar-a-Lago golf shirts.”

Jordan noted Trump was “incompetent, irrational and plain idiotic.” “He’s talking in circles,” she said.

Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations think tank also mocked the ex-president. He imagined Trump being late to tee off for golf. “You grab a shirt, you grab a war plan,” Haass said.

Then Scarborough got serious.

“This was a grave, grave lack of judgment, which is criminal,” the host said. And while many Republicans claim the prosecution is politically motivated, Scarborough noted, Trump’s actions “would be criminal for anybody else who did this.”


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