Jimmy Kimmel Taunts ‘Pathetic’ Trump Over ‘Saddest Damn Thing’ Ever Posted


Trump had previously claimed he was about to be arrested. When that didn’t happen, he claimed the investigation was “already dropped.” Now, he’s praising the grand jury ― which is still meeting ― and insisting he has “such respect” for them in his latest all-caps rant.

“If that isn’t the saddest damn thing I have ever read,” Kimmel said. “The great and powerful Donald Trump weakly kissing the all-caps asses of people he will never meet in a last-ditch hope he might somehow flatter them just enough to let him off the hook.”

Kimmel wasn’t done yet.

“I haven’t seen anything this pathetic since he asked Stormy to spank him with a Forbes magazine,” he added. “It is just sad with an exclamation point on the end of it.”

See more in his Wednesday night monologue:


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