Jane Fonda: Jennifer Lopez Never Apologized For Cutting Me On ‘Monster In Law’ Set


The “Moving On” star divulged the information when host Barrymore asked Fonda and her “Grace and Frankie” co-star Lily Tomlin to share their initial thoughts about some of their most iconic films.

When Barrymore mentioned “Monster in Law,” Fonda said the thing she immediately thinks of when she recalls making that film is her and Lopez’s iconic slapping scene.

“Well, Jennifer, as per Jennifer, she had this enormous diamond ring,” Fonda explained. “So when she slapped me one of the times, it cut open … across my eye, my eyebrow. And you know, she’s never apologized.”

It’s unclear if Fonda was joking, given that she keeps her face relatively neutral after sharing the story. But the studio audience did laugh at the anecdote.

“I was so nervous about doing this striptease where I end up naked that I drank a lot of vodka,” she told the show. “I was drunk out of my mind and kind of moving to the song.”

Unfortunately, there was a hiccup while shooting the scene — which Fonda revealed on Barrymore’s show was that a bat “flew between me and the camera” — so Fonda had to reshoot it the next day. However, Fonda said she used a little liquid courage to get through it again.

“The take that was actually used, I was not only drunk, I was hungover too,” Fonda recalled in the 2018 documentary, “Jane Fonda in Five Acts.”


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