Jack, Luke Hughes on their relationship, Devils, Rangers rivalry


Oh, brother. Jack and Luke Hughes, a rookie who made his debut last week, and their Devils are getting ready to take on the Rangers in the playoffs. But first they sat down for a little one-on-two with Post columnist Steve Serby:

Q: Jack, what is it like having your kid brother with you for your first playoff game?

Jack: It’s obviously really cool, you know? It’s something we were looking forward to for a few years now since he got drafted, but probably where I expected him to be in the spot we’re in … just really excited to be able to make this push with him here. It’s exciting, and we’re happy for Luke. I can’t speak for him, but from what I can see, it seems like he’s really happy to be in New Jersey.

Q: Luke, congratulations on being where you are. What’s it like joining one of your big brothers for your first playoff game?

Luke: Yeah, thank you. It’s been awesome just getting to know the guys. The guys have been great, the coaching staff’s been great, I’m really excited to be here. It’s been awesome so far, and we’re looking to keep it going.

Luke (l.) and Jack Hughes will both make their playoff debuts against the Rangers.
Luke (l.) and Jack Hughes will both make their playoff debuts against the Rangers.
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Q: When you guys were young kids, did you dream about being in the NHL together on the same team?

Jack: Yeah, of course. We always dreamed of playing in the Show with each other, but at the same time, it’s such an unrealistic goal. Like for even one of the three of us (oldest brother Quinn is on the Canucks) to make the NHL, the odds are so low. And then for all three of us, it’s like ridiculous. Me and Luke are on the same team, a lot of things have to line up. We dreamed it, but we probably never thought it would happen. Pretty ridiculous how it worked out.

Q: Jack, what will your emotions will before your very first playoff game against the Rangers?

Jack: We’ll be crazy ramped-up, we’ll be really fired up. I know our team will be ready to go. It’s our favorite games as Devils playing the Rangers, it’s a pretty crazy rivalry. It sucks how it’s worked out the last couple of years with both of us continuing to get better, and on a collision course. I know our team will be really ramped up and we’ll be really excited to go and I’m sure they will to.

Q: What makes it a crazy rivalry?

Jack: Our rinks are under 30 minutes apart from each other. We’ve got a lot of New York Rangers fans that live in New Jersey, a lot of Jersey fans that live in New York, it’s the metropolitan area, really intense fans and people that are proud of the teams that they root for, and what better way than the Hudson Rivalry, Devils-Rangers, to get to the second round?

Jack Hughes said that the Devils will be "really fired up" to face the Rangers in the first round of the playoffs.
Jack Hughes said that the Devils will be “really fired up” to face the Rangers in the first round of the playoffs.
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Q: Luke, what will your emotions be so soon after Michigan’s loss in the Frozen Four playing in your first playoff game?

Luke: It was definitely a really quick turnaround, but I think it was really important for me to acclimate to the team. I think it’s pretty cool, there’s a buzz around the room, guys are really excited.

Q: Are you going to have butterflies?

Luke: I don’t think so. I keep it pretty calm and collected. That’s a big thing for me, can’t get too high or too low.

Q: How would you describe your on-ice mentality?

Luke: I’m someone who tries to play hard every shift of every game … win-at-all-costs kinda guy. I’m a defender first, I try to defend and kill plays fast, and then do my thing in the O-zone.

Luke Hughes and Michigan lost to Quinnipiac in the men's college hockey NCAA Tournament.
Luke Hughes and Michigan lost to Quinnipiac in the men’s college hockey NCAA Tournament.
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Q: How does Jack differ as an older brother from Quinn?

Luke: (laugh) They have different personalities. I think they’re really focused and they’re warriors on the ice, and then off the ice they’re just … in their 20s, having fun.

Q: How does your personality differ from Jack’s personality?

Luke: That’s a really good question, actually. That’s kinda hard to answer. Jack, he’s probably a little more outgoing than me. And on the ice we’re both really focused and dialed in, and then we just enjoy life off the ice.

Q: Give me one anecdote from growing up with Jack that sums him up.

Luke: Oh that’s a tough one … I think one that kinda sticks with me was we were on the outdoor rink (ODR in Toronto) and my brother Quinn and Jack got into a little tussle, and Quinn ripped Jack’s braces off his face. That was one of those where he was so mad, but it was just really funny.

Q: Jack, how would you describe the difference in personality between you and Luke?

Jack: We have all the same interests. We’re only two years apart. Our friends are friends with each other because we’re so close in age. The things we do are really similar. And then our personality traits are a little different. Luke is super like chill, like really nice guy. Low-key, but pretty funny. I’m like he says, maybe a little more outgoing. We’re cut from the same cloth, so we’re pretty similar, but we also have our own little things that make us unique, you know?

Q: Give me one anecdote about Luke or a funny story that sums him up.

Jack: I remember when we were really young, Luke was maybe like 4 or 5, and he was riding a scooter, split open his whole nose, he was a tough little kid, and then his whole face was swollen. And me and Quinn were scared that Luke was gonna look like that forever. He was like 4 or 5, he’s just tough as nails. He was always like that growing up.

Luke Hughes made his NHL debut with the Devils shortly before the regular season ended.
Luke Hughes made his NHL debut with the Devils shortly before the regular season ended.
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Q: Was there a sibling rivalry?

Jack: No. We were competitive, but Luke was really funny when he was younger. Like we would play mini-stick and he’s like running around checking everyone. Like 8 years old. We were always competitive, but we always wanted the best for each other. We were like each other’s biggest fans, all three of us. And of course there’s like sibling rivalry within the house, within the walls, but once we get outside the house it’s all love and we’re all rooting for each other, want each other to have the most success we can have, and everyone has each other’s back.

Q: Luke, do you have a favorite memory growing up at ODR?

Luke: I don’t know if there’s one memory that sticks out to me. As a family going to the Leafs-Detroit outdoor game was pretty special and pretty cool at the Big House in Michigan was awesome.

Q: Jack?

Jack: Like Luke said, you spend so many hours out there with friends and your bros, just a blast, man. It’s probably where our passion took off.

Q: Luke, what drives you?

Luke: Just my competitive nature, and how much I want to win and be the best version of myself.

Q: Did you expect your brother to be the star he’s become?

Luke: Yeah, I mean, you see how hard he works in the summer and you see how good he is in the summer and I think I expected him to have a big year. I don’t think that was a shock at all. He’s had a great year, and I’m super proud of him.

Jack Hughes said it'll be "really cool" to have Luke at his side as they make their NHL playoff debuts.
Jack Hughes said it’ll be “really cool” to have Luke at his side as they make their NHL playoff debuts.
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Q: Give me a scouting report on Jack.

Luke: He’s super skilled, super fast, he can really think the game. … He’s a passing threat, but he can also score. He’s kind of a dual threat.

Q: Jack, give me a scouting report on Luke.

Jack: He skates like a Hughes. He’s got that skill. Can really think the game, and yet he’s 6-2 ¹/₂, 6-3. Like he’s a beast. He’s super rangy, can defend really well. He’s a really good defender, but the reason he is what he is obviously because of his offense and how dynamic he is on the blue line, the way he can get away from guys up the ice. He’s just a special talent, and everyone in New Jersey is hoping for big things for him and we know he’ll achieve those things and be a great player for us for a long time.

Q: What drives you now?

Jack: You want to do well, you want to be on a good team, you want to help drive your team up the mountain. You want to be where we’re at right now, we’re in a good position in the playoffs and competing for the Stanley Cup, that’s obviously a big part of it. And then you have personal pride and you want to achieve things and you want to prove people wrong. … You’ve been driving up the mountain your whole life, you just want to keep going, put numbers up and keep working on your game. Just like I said, the personal pride of wanting to be the best version of yourself and be the best player that you can be. My pride takes over and I want to just keep getting better and you keep having good seasons.

Q: How would you describe the Devils’ confidence level/mindset?

Jack: We’re probably a pretty confident group. We’re no slouch, we know we’re playing a heck of a team over there in New York. They have a great team, a lot of great players, but with that being said, we’re a great team in our own right. We earned the right to get home ice, we had a great year, and we’re probably way ahead of schedule than people thought we’d be. I know the boys are probably oozing confidence, and like I said, we’re all hungry and ready to get after it in the first round.

Q: How much of a challenge is their physicality?

Jack: I think we both play pretty similar games. They’re a pretty fast team. They’re highly skilled and they’re a team that can score on a rush and they got a good power play. Of course they got (Igor) Shesterkin, one of the top goalies in the league, so we got a lot of respect for them over there, but at the same time, we got a great team in our own right, we’re fast, we’re young, we’re skilled and we’re competitive. We know where we’re at, we know it’ll be a great series, it’ll be a dogfight.

Q: What do you remember about the first time you played against the Rangers?

Jack: First time was preseason at the Rock. I think my first point was against the Rangers, actually. I’ve always had a blast playing at the Garden. The Rock is pretty crazy, Devils-Rangers. The fans are crazy intense, a bunch of New Yorkers, Jersey people that are completely fired up, so I’m sure emotions will be running really high throughout the series. We’re excited, and it’ll be a great test for us.

Q: Luke, how disappointing was the Frozen Four finish for you?

Luke It was a really disappointing ending, to go to two Frozen Fours and not get out of the first game was definitely heartbreaking, but you win some, you lose some. I think one game doesn’t define how special that team was. I’m proud of those guys.

Q: Tell me about this team you just joined.

Luke: Super skilled, super fast. It’s pretty easy when you have so many skilled forwards up front. Their transition game’s really good … one thing I really like about it is how they emphasize the fourth guy getting in the rush, fourth and fifth guys, ‘cause they’ll find ya.

Q: What do you sense the confidence level/mindset is?

Luke: We’re a really young team, and I think we have a lot of confidence for a good reason because they’ve had a really really good year.

Q: Your thoughts on Patrick Kane?

Luke: He’s a guy I grew up watching and loved to watch. I’ve watched him for years and years, how good he is, how good his hands are, his deception, how good he’s been for so long.

Q: Jack, your thoughts on Patrick Kane.

Jack: Best American of all time. Great player, and played in all the big moments growing up. When we were growing up, he was winning Cups and playing in the Olympics and being the best player at the best stage … what a player.

Q: There’s no chance you two will be star struck, is there?

Jack: No, I mean, been playing him for years, so (laugh). As much as we respect him and we think he’s a great player, once we get on the ice, man, it’s time to play.

Q: You’ve been linked with Kaapo Kakko, who was drafted right after you. … do people still compare you two?

Jack: That’s up to you guys to do. I’m a hockey player, I’m not writing articles about that.

Q: Tell me about Timo (Meier).

Jack That was a big pickup for us that we were really excited about, he’s come in here and done a good job, just putting himself in a good spot, and scoring goals, that’s what we brought him in to do. Anytime you add a 40-goal guy into your roster to gear up for playoffs, it gives your guys an extra boost, another guy that can maybe break the game open.

Timo Meier (l.) joined Jack Hughes when the Devils acquired him from the Sharks ahead of the trade deadline.
Timo Meier (l.) joined Jack Hughes when the Devils acquired him from the Sharks ahead of the trade deadline.
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Q: Tell me about Jesper (Bratt).

Jack: He’s a great player, I love playing with him. Really good skater, really skilled, really smart, can score, can thread the needle. We got (Dawson) Mercer, we got obviously Nico (Hischier) … We got a really good forward group, and we’re excited and we’re ready to go.

Q: Your goaltender Vitek Vanecek?

Jack: Proud of him this year. We’ve had shaky goaltending in the past, so we’re proud of him. I guess we didn’t know what to expect. He’s come in and he’s done a tremendous job as our starter. I think our whole team is really confident in him being our guy heading into playoffs. We know he’s hungry, and he’ll be ready to go.

Q: What is Luke like as a roommate?

Jack: He’s a movie buff, so he’s got Netflix flicks for us. … He likes to eat a lot. He’s good, I’ve been living with this guy my whole life, so …

Q: Who cooks?

Jack: No, we just fend for ourselves in DoorDash.

Q: Luke, what’s your favorite all-time movie?

Luke: That’s a really good question. I might have to go with “Secretariat.” It’s up there, probably.

Q: Jack, what’s your favorite movie?

Jack: What is my favorite movie?

UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: Like “Inception” maybe is really good.

Jack: Maybe “Batman: The Dark Knight.”

Q: Who said Inception, Luke?

Jack: Luke said “Inception,” I said “Batman.”

Q: Luke, three dinner guests.

Luke: I have no idea … probably like the three most influential, like … probably George Washington, Julius Caesar, guys like that. I can go so many people.

UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: It’s the worst dinner crew ever (laugh).

Luke: All right, new dinner crew — Michael Jordan, Tom Brady and Tiger Woods.

Q: Did Jack twist your arm on that?

Luke (laugh) Yeah that dinner crew might be a little insane, so I’ll just go the sports route.

Q: Why did you veer off George Washington and Julius Caesar?

Luke: I don’t know … Jack made me feel self-conscious probably (laugh).

Q: Jack, who are your three dinner guests?

Jack: Umm. . . George Washington … (laugh). No, I’ll go Alexandra Daddario, I’ll go Margot Robbie …

Q: You gave me that one two years ago.

Jack: Yup, shocker. And Matt McConaughey.

Q: Did you convince Luke to change his answer on his dinner guests?

Jack: No. I have Dawson Mercer in my backseat, and he kinda was giving him the business.

Q: Your parents will be at the game on Tuesday night?

Jack: I think they’ll be here yeah, and I think maybe Quinn will too.

Jack Hughes finished his fourth NHL season with 99 points.
Jack Hughes finished his fourth NHL season with 99 points, and he said the Devils “hope to stay here” after their latest rise.
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Q: What does it mean to you for being so instrumental in bringing the Devils back?

Jack: That’s what they brought me in for. It’s been a collection of guys. It took us a while, but we’re back and we hope to stay here, and we’re hoping to make some noise, so … we got a tremendous fan base, and it’s a great organization. We’re trying to bring it back where we should be.

Q: What did it mean to you to break (99) Patrik Elias’ franchise single-season points record?

Jack: That’s something I was thinking about at the start of the year. I’m glad I achieved that goal. Hopefully I’ll break that record again next year, so we’ll see what happens.

Patrik Elias had the Devils' franchise single-season points record until Jack Hughes broke it this year.
Patrik Elias had the Devils’ franchise single-season points record until Jack Hughes broke it this year.
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Q: You enjoy the spotlight, don’t you?

Jack: If you say so.

Q: Do you?

Jack: Yeah, I do, yeah.

Q: Luke, what message would you want to give Devils fans about Jack?

Luke: He had a 99-point season. They kinda know everything about him.

Q: Jack, what message would you want to give Devils fans about Luke?

Jack: They know what’s up, man, they’re so pumped for Luke, they know what’s going on, so they’re completely in the loop and they’re fired up. Our fans have been crazy and they’re gonna love Luke, and he’s gonna love them.


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