Israel Launched Attacks on the West Bank


Early this morning, Israeli drones fired on a densely populated refugee camp in the West Bank and hundreds of Israeli troops were sent into the area’s narrow streets and alleys. The military said the goal of the assault, the biggest in nearly two decades, was to root out armed militants after a year of escalating violence there. At least eight Palestinians were reported to have been killed.

The drone strikes on the Jenin refugee camp were far more limited than the aerial attacks Israel has made on Gaza, but Israel has not used this level of air power against West Bank militants since the second Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule, in the early 2000s.

“The camp is a war zone in the full meaning of the word,” Muhammad Sbaghi, a local administrator, said.

Tensions have escalated in the area recently, with local Palestinian militias waging a series of attacks against Israelis, and extremist Jewish settlers rampaging through Palestinian villages and setting fire to property. There have been almost daily raids by the Israeli military to arrest Palestinians suspected of armed activity.

To participate in the first Republican debate on Aug. 23, candidates must meet a variety of criteria. Most controversial among them: a promise to support the party’s eventual nominee. Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, has agreed, while Will Hurd, the former Texas congressman who has publicly opposed Donald Trump, said that he wouldn’t. Still, most of the candidates — including Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida — have yet to commit either way.

On the trail, DeSantis has committed to “holding woke corporations accountable,” with one specific corporation in mind: Disney. Here’s what its executives are thinking.

It’s been almost two months since Title 42 was lifted, which allowed the U.S. to swiftly expel migrants at the southern border. Many of the worst fears about an expected rush of crossings have proven to be unfounded, at least for now. The average number of daily illegal crossings has plateaued around 3,300, less than half of the average in March 2022. The sharp dip has been a welcome development for the Biden administration, but officials say the numbers will eventually pick back up.

My colleague Eileen Sullivan explained the dynamics behind the decrease.

Janet Yellen will travel to China this week for the first time as the Treasury Secretary. She is expected to make the case that the U.S. and China are too intertwined to “decouple” their economies, despite actions by the U.S. designed to make it less reliant on China.

“Yellen faces a real challenge in trying to stabilize the tone of relations with China,” Keith Bradsher, our Beijing bureau chief, said.

We’re already more than halfway through 2023. Yet, if you’re like me, you may not have seen a movie this year that really blew you away. Tomorrow might be a good day to change that, as you enjoy the holiday.

Our film critics made a list of the six best films of the year so far. All are available either in theaters or on major streaming services.

If you find yourself swatting away mosquitoes more than other people do, biology may be to blame. Mosquitoes appear to be drawn to an odor released by the human body, experts say, and it’s possible that some people emit more than others (even if it’s undetectable to human noses).

Still, there are steps we can all take to avoid being bitten. If you’re going outside, consider skipping fragrant products like perfume and lotion. Also, wear lighter colors. Research suggests that mosquitoes are drawn to dark hues, and bright reds and oranges.

Have a well-prepared evening.


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