Iowa Voter Spars With Mike Pence Over Jan. 6 In Fiery Faceoff


An Iowa voter questioned why former Vice President Mike Pence “changed history” in a contentious faceoff as the 2024 Republican presidential candidate defended his role presiding over Congress for the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6, 2021. (You can watch a clip of the interaction below)

Pence, during a campaign stop on Wednesday in Sioux City, told the woman – Luann Bertrand – that she shouldn’t want “one person” making the calls on who the next president should be after she claimed his actions could’ve prevented President Joe Biden – who won the 2020 election – from becoming president.

“Do you ever second guess yourself? That was a constitutional right that you had to send those votes back to the states, it was not like you were going to personally elect him… You changed history for this country,” Bertrand said.

Pence, in response to the woman, said that the issue of his actions on Jan. 6 “continues to be misunderstood” as he declared that he “kept” his oath to the Constitution that day.

“I know by God’s grace I did exactly what the Constitution of the United States required of me that day,” Pence said.

Pence later went on to refer to Article II of the Constitution, adding that the job of the vice president is to preside over a joint session of Congress where you open and count votes.

“Don’t take my word for it, go read the Constitution. Now really, I say this with great affection and respect – the Constitution’s very clear…the Constitution says you open and count the votes, no more no less,” Pence said.

He added: “No vice president in American history ever asserted the authority that you have been convinced that I had, and I wanna tell you, with all due respect, I said before and I said when I announced, President Trump is wrong about my authority that day and he’s still wrong. I believe it with all my heart.”

Bertrand, in a later interview with CNN’s Kyung Lah, said she believes Pence is a “good man” who is strengthened by his faith but she “really” does feel that he altered history on Jan. 6.

″I would consider [supporting Pence] but he has that one hiccup,” said Bertrand.


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