Inside the courtroom: Donald Trump, Jack Smith and a historic glance


Boasberg’s presence in the courtroom was a statement in itself. Alongside him was Judge Amy Berman Jackson, who has in her own courtroom excoriated Republicans who have refused to contradict Trump’s continued lies about the 2020 election. The pair, flanked by other judges and magistrate judges, watched Trump’s every move intently.

The proceeding itself was made more profound, in some ways, by how mundane it was. Trump was sworn in by a courtroom deputy and swore to tell the truth, so help him god. He stated his name and age a bit awkwardly — “Donald J. Trump. John.” “Seven-seven.”

He had to confirm that he was not on any medication or drugs that might alter his ability to comprehend the proceedings. Trump spoke few words during his 45 minutes in the room, replying to questions with “yes” or “yes, your honor” in ways that were barely audible in the courtroom or on livestreams beamed to other parts of the courthouse.

Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya — whose family members were present in the public gallery — read carefully as she ticked through each of the formal steps that come with a criminal defendant’s initial appearance in court, emphasizing at times that this is the same process anyone facing charges goes through.

“You have the right to remain silent,” she admonished him, just hours after Trump took to Truth Social to attack the prosecutors and judge in his case.


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