I accidentally married my cousin — but we had kids are we’re still together


It was a kissin’ cousins mystery.

A rising TikTok star has stunned fans by revealing that she is related to her husband —and says she only learned the dark secret while she was carrying his baby.

Marcella Hill — who has clocked up almost 300,000 followers on the social media site with her health advice videos — shared the shocking story in a viral clip posted early last week.

“So I’ve never told anyone publicly that I accidentally married my cousin,” the Utah-based mom admitted in the footage.

Hill went on to explain that she was pregnant when she made the disturbing discovery — uncovering the truth while looking at her family tree to find an ancestral baby name.

“I was like ‘Oh look, grandpa’s name, grandma’s name, great grandma’s name, great-great grandma’s name,’” the TikTokker recalled, before adding: “My husband was next to me on his own family search and was like ‘Oh that’s funny — we have the same grandma and grandpa’s names.’”

Utah-bashed TikTok star Marcella Hill shocked her legion of fans with her big reveal — and has racked up nearly 1 million views as of Thursday afternoon.

‘We have won a prize for being the closest related in a neighborhood activity. And when I go to my family reunion he gets to go to his, too — at the same time.”

Marcella Hill, making the best of an awkward situation

The couple then compared their family trees and realized that Hill’s grandpa and her husband’s grandmother were actually first cousins.

“So he calls his grandma and I call my grandpa and we ask them if they know each other… sure, enough, sure [they do]!” she exclaimed.

The confirmation meant that Hill and her hubby are third cousins — and the revelation left them reeling.

However, over time the couple has come to accept the freaky family fact and are still married to one another. Hill even claims there are benefits to being related to her spouse.

“We have won a prize for being the closest related in a neighborhood activity,” she joked. “And when I go to my family reunion he gets to go to his too — at the same time.”

Hill shared a second video saying that she and her husband were married in a small ceremony at a local courthouse so there was never any prior reason for them to make the familial connection.

Hill has jokingly claimed that there are benefits to being related to her spouse.
Hill has jokingly claimed that there are benefits to being related to her spouse.

Fans of the TikTok star were stunned by the story, with many saying she should have kept the story to herself.

“I think you should have just not told anyone,” one viewer snapped, while a second declared: “I definitely would never have publicly admitted this.”

However, others claimed the family secret was “no big deal,” with one nonchalantly declaring: “We’re all cousins if you go back far enough.”


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