Hunter Biden’s legal bills could run more than $1M per month


Hunter Biden’s legal bills could be costing him $1 million a month, legal experts said.

The first son — and his fleet of top-shelf attorneys — have launched at least four lawsuits in addition to their ongoing fight against special counsel David Weiss.

“Today the top, top lawyers in New York and Washington bill at around $2,000 an hour for the main counsel and between $1,000 and $1,800 for other partners and the high hundreds … for young associates,” said famed litigator Alan Dershowitz.

Hunter’s lead attorney, Winston and Strawn Partner Abbe Lowell, would likely command top billing, Dershowitz, 85, said.

“I would say generally in the area of a million dollars a month,” the Harvard Law Professor theorized. “It would be a high rough estimate of what it might run for all those cases together if they were being charged at commercial rates.”

Experts say Hunter Biden’s legal bills must be running into the millions.
AFP via Getty Images

Hunter Biden has been aggressively litigious over the last month, hunting down everyone involved in the dissemination of his infamous abandoned laptop.

On Tuesday he sued Rudy Giuliani and the former New York City mayor’s one-time attorney Robert Costello. Earlier this month Hunter Biden filed papers against former White House aide Garrett Ziegler, whose nonprofit Marco Polo made much of the data from Hunter Biden’s laptop publicly searchable online.

The first son launched litigation this month against the Internal Revenue Service — a government agency with limitless resources that can be brought to bear against him — and he’s also suing John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer repair shop owner who first took possession of the laptop after Hunter Biden abandoned it.

Hunter Biden’s lead attorney Abbe Lowell likely commands $2,000 an hour at standard commercial rates.
Getty Images

In addition to all that, he remains locked in a years-long legal struggle with US Attorney David Weiss, whose investigation into Hunter remains ongoing after he was elevated to special counsel last month.

While Hunter Biden’s lead attorney is Lowell, at least three firms have been employed in various efforts.

Rudy Giuliani said the fees could easily be “a couple million dollars this year,” adding “that’s not even gouging.”

Lowell did not respond to a request for comment from The Post.

The eye-popping numbers raise additional questions about how Hunter Biden is financing his legal army. In 2018 he was broke and begging his father and uncle for cash, newly released text messages show.

Hunter Biden’s finances have long been a subject of inquiry by the IRS and Department of Justice.
Getty Images

Last year Hunter Biden cried poverty in court, arguing that he needed to reduce his child support payments to Lunden Roberts — a one-time stripper and mother of his child Navy Joan — because of a change in his “financial circumstances.” The two settled in June with Hunter Biden slashing his $20,000 payments to $5,000.

Hunter Biden’s only real income would be the $1.3 million he had pocketed from the sale of his paintings thanks to the sudden patronage of Democratic donors.

“Somebody is taking care of these legal fees … this is coming out of some hidden fund that the Bidens have,” Giuliani said, adding that the cash could also be coming from Kevin Morris, the high-flying Hollywood entertainment lawyer who has picked up huge tabs for Hunter Biden in the past.

Morris famously paid off a $2 million tax debt for Hunter in an effort to blunt the Department of Justice’s tax evasion probe into the first son. He also regularly allows Hunter Biden the use of his private jet.

Morris did not respond to a request for comment.


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