Fresh evidence that lying is the left’s go-to ‘argument’


Whatever New York’s left stands for, it’s not truth in labeling.

That applies not only to the “Good Cause Eviction” proposal now on the table in Albany, but also to the lobbying campaign for it.

GCE is in fact mainly a statewide rent-control law, applying to every Empire State rental building with more than three units.

It would cap annual rent hikes at 3%, or 150% of the consumer price index, whichever is higher — at the start.

Once it’s on the books, advocates will work to ratchet both numbers down.

In support of this nonsense, proponents with Housing Justice for All last month produced a letter signed by 104 supposed landlords vouching for the legislation.

Except that some of them aren’t landlords at all, and others don’t rent enough units to covered by the proposal.

The Post’s review found at least 14 with zero properties listed under their names in their area; plus two dozen more with not enough units.

One signatory, activist Bright Limm, justified himself by explaining, “If I were ever to lease my property to anyone else, I would insist upon having Good Cause protections in the lease.”


The Daily News bought this scam, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cited the letter as proof that “even the real-estate community has warmed up” to GCE; several lefty legislators made similar claims on social media.

Sorry: All it does is confirm that progressives can only forward their agenda by lying about it.


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