Ex-GOP Governor Unseals A Vicious Review Of DeSantis: He’s ‘Really Underperformed’


Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) unleashed a sea of criticism aimed at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for having “one of the worst” presidential campaigns he’s seen.

Hogan, who turned down a potential 2024 presidential bid in March, told CBS News’ Major Garrett on Wednesday that he thinks DeSantis has “really underperformed” as polls show the Florida governor trailing former President Donald Trump by double-digits for the GOP nomination in three recent national polls, Politico noted.

“He was the one getting all the attention… wall-to-wall coverage on Fox News, he was the only one other than Trump that was really getting a lot of attention, he raised a ton of money, he was a fairly successful governor in a big state who got re-elected and then started making all kinds of mistakes,” Hogan said.

“I think the campaign is one of the worst I’ve seen so far and he’s dropped like a rock.”

Hogan, who said it’s “getting close to being over” for DeSantis’ campaign, said he thinks the Florida governor is headed in the wrong direction and went on to reveal what he thinks is the “central mistake” of his 2024 bid.

“The culture wars, the dumb comments about Ukraine… he’s got some strengths but he’s also got some weaknesses,” Hogan said.

“I mean, he just doesn’t connect with people, he’s not a good campaigner, he’s not a good debater. He’s a smart guy, went to Yale and Harvard.”

“Doesn’t lead with that,” Garrett chimed in.

“Doesn’t lead with that. He says he went to school in the northeast somewhere but yeah, I think, you know, everyone was thinking he was the guy to beat and now, I don’t think too many people think that,” Hogan said.


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