Discover 19 Hidden Gems To Buy On Amazon Prime Day


I’ll admit that this a pretty specific recommendation, but hear me out: I have piles of vinyl collecting dust in my basement and an old-school record player-and-receiver combination that I have neither the time or the knowledge to properly set up (nor the space, for that matter). But a standalone turntable that also functions as a Bluetooth speaker with decent reviews for way less than $40? I know the audiophiles out there are probably tearing their hair out at this suggestion, but as one reviewer put it, “it’s a decent pick for those starting the vinyl obsession, as well as those experienced that just want a cheap table for a spare room.” It plays records at three speeds (33, 45 and 78 RPM) and the option to plug into external speaker if you’d like to further customize your sonic experience.

Promising review: “For a relatively inexpensive player, its not bad at all. Easy to use, as they should be, and has included instructions for cleaning and replacing the needle for those who don’t have experience (does not include replacement needles). Sound quality is about how one can expect for the price and method, but it has the connections for external speakers if desired. The onboard speakers are missing some low end, but again, as expected. The dust cover has slots on the sides so the lid can be closed while operating, which is nice but also means it isn’t fully concealed so dust can get in there semi-easily, but as long as it’s maintained properly that shouldn’t be an issue. Hardware and cables feel a little cheap, but for $40 its not horrible and could certainly be worse. As long as its used properly, not like you would be throwing this across the room, it should hold up fine. In all, for an affordable option, it’s pretty good and a decent pick for those starting the vinyl obsession, as well as those experienced that just want a cheap table for a spare room or what not.” — Amazon Customer


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