Desi Lydic Brutally Mocks Conservative Tears Over Donald Trump Indictment


Desi Lydic used a parody call for donations to poke fun at conservatives who have gone on TV to say how sad they are about former President Donald Trump’s indictment.

“Is there anything more heartbreaking than the tears of a conservative? Every single hour, all across America’s conservative TV networks, another sad Republican cries about Donald Trump’s indictment,” the “Daily Show” correspondent began the spoof spot.

The appeal is edited with clips of Trump scions Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Fox News personalities expressing frustration at Trump’s charging in the Stormy Daniels hush-money case.

“These men are suffering because Trump is suffering… the consequences of his actions,” Lydic continues, with faux concern. “You can help these big, strong, weak little bitches. Call now before it’s too late, or before Trump gets charged with his next crime or his next one or his next one, you get it.”

The ad ends with this message on screen: “Help a conservative through an event that is apparently sadder than a school shooting.”


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