Dems’ migrant policies to blame in Bronx daycare fentanyl death


It’s hard to look at the photo of 1-year-old Nicholas Feliz-Dominici, who died from fentanyl exposure at a Bronx day care Friday. 

So handsome with his little suspenders and blue bow tie, his crisp white shirt and tiny sneakers, he looks directly into the camera with a purposeful air.

You can tell, just by looking at him, that this was a well-loved child.

Just imagine his poor mother, packing his bag for the day, getting him dressed, dropping him off at the new day-care center, giving him a kiss and maybe feeling a little guilty as she heads off to work.

It’s what working mothers do every day across this city.

They should be able to trust that the day-care center they pay to take care of their babies is not doubling as a fentanyl factory.

“He was so intelligent,” his distraught mother Zoila Dominici, 34, a caregiver for the elderly, told CBS. “He would repeat everything you would say to him. He had so much love . . . He was the little prince of the house . . . I have to thank God for the time we had with him.” 

Dad Otoniel Feliz said it was their little boy’s first week at the day-care center and his wife had gone early to pick up Nicholas on Friday because she missed him.

Another little boy and his 8-month-old baby sister were given doses of Narcan, which is used to reverse the affects of opioid overdoses. 

They remain in the hospital.

Divino Nino Daycare owner Grei Mendez De Ventura, 36, and Carlisto Acevedo Brito, 41, were facing a slew of charges, including murder.

Cops found a kilo of fentanyl and a kilo press in a room at the day-care center that Brito, reportedly a “new arrival” from the Dominican Republic, was renting from De Ventura. 

Blame Biden

They are two of the people responsible for little Nicholas’ death.

But there is a wider culpability. 

President Biden’s open border kills.

It kills the poor souls seeking a better life who answer its siren call and make the hazardous journey from more than 150 countries to cross illegally into the United States.

It kills more than 100,000 Americans each year with drug overdoses from the fentanyl sent here by the Mexican drug cartels.

Joe Biden and the Democratic politicians who abet him, have ensured New York is awash with fentanyl, and overwhelmed with an influx of illegal migrants.

A pill mill in a day-care center is just one of a myriad of ghastly outcomes that we can’t even foresee. 

Since Joe Biden came to office and recklessly dismantled all Trump-era policies, at least eight million illegals have taken him up on his invitation.

And who can blame them? You’d be crazy not to come to the land of milk and honey if you lived in a broken-down country. 

Free room and board in a posh Manhattan hotel, free education, free medical care, free legal assistance, free everything.

The sugar is on the table for the whole world to come get it. How can it be a surprise that they came?

New Yorkers now have to compete for scarce resources with illegal migrants — more than 110,000 have arrived in the last year alone, according to official figures.

Schools are swamped with classrooms of kids who can’t speak English — or even Spanish — and who may have other learning difficulties. 

‘Stealing birthright’?

“Close the freaking border!” yelled angry New Yorkers at Democratic New York Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jerry Nadler as they tried to hold a press conference outside The Roosevelt Hotel to wax lyrical about how immigration “makes America strong.”

“Send them back!” protesters yelled. “Illegal immigration is not right! Respect the Constitution, close the border!”

One enraged New Yorker told Fox News: “We can’t afford to pay three, four thousand people everything for free. I have kids I had to spend hundreds of dollars to get their school supplies . . . The reason why they’re here is to steal our votes, our kids’ future, my birthright, our great city that I refuse to leave.”

Yep. He sees through the sanctimonious troupe of assembled Democrats. Everyone does.

Presumably it was complaints from parents at the start of the school year that prompted Mayor Adams’ dire warning that the migrant crisis will “destroy New York City.” 

“The city we knew, we’re about to lose,” he said, threatening to slash the city budget by 15% to pay for the avalanche of migrants that continue to flood into the city.

All AOC and Nadler could say before they scurried away in disgrace was that the illegals need work permits. 

How does that help? It just puts more sugar on the table and displaces New Yorkers.

The only solution is to shut the southern border and end New York’s “right to shelter” law, which promises infinite resources to anybody who comes here.

Mayor in denial

It’s not as if any of this is not glaringly obvious. 

But Mayor Adams is acting like it’s a big surprise. 

This is the same mayor that put out the welcome mat for illegals, sending a besuited concierge to greet people off each bus with a bag of goodies before they were directed to one of several historic hotels in Manhattan, where tourists once paid upwards of $250 a night.

Did he think word wouldn’t get out?

Adams refuses to pin the blame where it belongs, with our feckless president.

Instead, he laughably blames Republicans: “a mad man down in Texas decided he was going to bus people up to New York City.”

This is a national Democratic party talking point to fool their angry constituents into believing the fault lies with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who sent a few migrant buses to blue states to make the political point that his state is being overrun because of Biden’s open border policies. 

The Abbott buses are a drop in the ocean, compared to the daily planeloads of illegals the Biden administration has been flying into Westchester airport in the dead of night since at least the summer of 2021, on top of busloads more who arrived on their own steam, thanks to free travel paid for by NGOs which are paid by the government.

But the blame game isn’t working any more. 

New Yorkers know the truth and they feel betrayed.

And why isn’t AOC in her best pantsuit at the border wailing about “kids in cages”? Hypocrite.


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