COVID-vax disinfo has weakened Americans’ confidence in ALL vaccines


Confidence in vital vaccines has dropped a shocking 14 percentage points among Americans, and it’s easy to see why.

Per The Wall Street Journal, 93% of Americans reported confidence in vaccines before the pandemic.

Now, after three years of misinformation, flip-flopping and straight-up lies about the COVID vaccine, only 79% do — and much of the messaging that muddied the waters on the vax came directly from Democratic leaders, the CDC and Anthony Fauci himself. 

Right off the bat, Dems — blinded by their hatred of Donald Trump — sprang into fear-mongering about the vax being rolled out under Trump.

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris questioned whether it would be safe.

Biden said the vaccine was “not likely to go through all the tests that needs to be and the trials that are needed to be done.”

Harris said health experts would be “muzzled” and “suppressed” by the Trump administration.

Then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo said there were “serious questions about whether the vaccine has become politicized,” discouraged New Yorkers from trusting “the federal government’s opinion” on the vaccine and claimed he wouldn’t take the vaccine until New York was able to review the medicine itself.

Then, after Biden was safely in the White House, Dems did a 180, casting the vax as a magical fix-all. 

Fauci called vaccinated people a “dead end” for the COVID bug and said it was “very, very unlikely” vaccinated people would spread the disease.

In July 2021, Biden referenced a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and claimed “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

All this was blatantly untrue — as anyone who has gotten the jab and still caught COVID can attest. 

Lastly, there were troubling side-effects of the vaccine, yet Fauci & Co. downplayed them.

Yes, the vax is perfectly safe, and a wise choice, for an overwhelming number of people.

By first dissing it, then overselling it, officials lost much of the public’s trust, which now seems less willing to accept any vaccine. That could mean more sick Americans.

And it’ll now take a whole lot of honesty to restore confidence.


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