Christina Applegate Slams Candace Owens For ‘F**king Gross’ Rant About Disabled Model


Christina Applegate couldn’t help but pop off at Candace Owens after a truly nonsensical and ableist diatribe.

The right-wing media host pulled a Tucker Carlson a la M&M’s move earlier this week when she decided to criticize an 11-month-old Skims campaign targeted towards disabled people on her podcast “The Daily Wire” Tuesday.

Christina Applegate (left) and Candace Owens.
Christina Applegate (left) and Candace Owens.

Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images and Jason Davis/Getty Images

In April of 2022, Kim Kardashian’s shapewear company launched its adaptive collection of underwear for people with limited mobility who have difficulty putting on and taking off their undergarments. Logically, the campaign consisted of disabled people modeling the line’s products.

Yet, Owens did not compute. She saw an ad from the campaign that included a wheelchair user and took it as another instance of woke culture.

“I don’t know why this needs to be done. I’m just getting tired of this all-inclusivity thing. It seems ridiculous,” Owens said, proving that she completely misunderstood the point of the line.

“I really don’t get it, and if I am wrong, educate me,” she added.

Although someone from a marginalized group should never feel like it’s their obligation to educate ignorant people about their community, Appplegate took the opportunity to school Owens.

“Going to try and sleep but my rage is keeping me awake,” the “Dead to Me” star began. “Candace Owens, do you know when you have seen pictures of me how fucking hard it was to get my clothes on? A team has to help me!!! So I’m excited for accessibility clothing for me and my community.Hope u wake.”

But it seems Applegate wasn’t quite done, and seemed bothered by Owens’ remark to educate her.

“I thought my last tweet was enough,” Applegate subsequently wrote. “But then my heart said something else. No rage. If Candace wants to get on the phone with me to be educated on being disabled. I will not come with anger. I will come with love. Because she needs to hear that. I pray for her tonight.sincerely.”

Applegate — who announced she was diagnosed with MS in 2021 — wasn’t the only person who took offense to Owens’s rant.

But, it seems like one TikToker did seem to get through to Owens — by basically explaining to her that the accessible line is targeted towards disabled people.

On Wednesday, Owens acknowledged that this TikToker made sense with her “rational” explanation and played the user’s message on her podcast.

“I am a full time wheelchair user,” the TikToker says in her video. “And since you’re asking to be educated, here I am, happy to educate. Everything you just said is completely ableist, and here’s why. Skims has created an adaptive clothing line making it easier for people like myself and people with accessibility needs to put on underwear, clasp their bras, and also be able to access shapewear that is usually impossible to get on for us.”

The TikToker also couldn’t help but get a dig in at Owner’s expense.

“I lived my life as an able-bodied person and a disabled person and when I was able-bodied I would not say ignorant comments like this,” the TikToker said.

Owens then thanked the TikToker for giving her the very-hard-to-find-out intel on the brand that “developed unique technology and the reason why they created these ads because it makes it easier for people in wheelchairs to get into a bra and underwear.”

Which is also a fact that Owens could have figured out on her own if she hadn’t decided to air her knee-jerk reaction to a year-old campaign.


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