Catching a 50-inch-plus muskie on the same day for the second straight year


John Burke caught a 50-inch-plus muskie on June 29 for the second straight year from Eagle Lake in Ontario. This year, it was a muskie of 50 14 inches. Last year, he caught his personal-best, a 52-inch muskie.

The Lake Zurich man caught the one on Thursday on a vintage 25-year-old chartreuse Mepps Giant Killer bucktail, two hours before a storm hit.

“Hit in 8 feet, about 6 feet down, off an island near the weed line,” he tweeted. “It’s a good transition area off the island in Portage Bay.”

Click here to read Burke’s Fish of the Week story of the 52-incher from last year.

FOTW, the celebration of big fish and their stories (the stories matter, as this one shows) around Chicago fishing, runs Wednesdays in the paper Sun-Times.

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