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With more workers than ever opting for gig employment, it’s never too early to start thinking about this path as a career choice. A brief introduction explains that approximately a third of the current American workforce are freelancers and projects that this percentage will rise in the near future. Four subsequent chapters set the stage for potential teen gig workers. The first gives an explanation of the gig economy, including the large variety of industries involved and issues with financial sustainability for workers. Next comes an analysis of the challenges and attractions of gigging, so teens can decide whether it’s the right avenue for them. Most freelance platforms like Instacart are restricted to adults, but blogging and buying/selling online are two opportunities open to teens. Kallen takes a deeper dive into these options and ways of using them as a bridge to adult employment while mentioning some others, like dog walking. Sidebar quotes, anecdotes, and stock color photos are peppered throughout. A useful companion to Kallen’s 2022 book, Teen Guide to Side Gigs, this concise overview aims at a slightly older audience and focuses on longer-range planning and the unique challenges facing an adolescent entrepreneur. While not comprehensive, it provides a solid first step into the freelance world.


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