Bill Maher Spars With Brian Cranston About Critical Race Theory On ‘Club Random’


Comedian and late night TV host Bill Maher has been known to have hot political takes that often instigate his guests. Actor Bryan Cranston, who stopped by Maher’s Club Random Podcast, was the latest victim to butt heads with Maher. The Breaking Bad star shared his opinion that critical race theory should be taught in schools.

The topic came up after a brief discussion about slavery, during which Maher shared his belief that historical figures such as former presidents should not be “canceled” for having owned slaves.

Maher said he felt former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington should not be chastised since it was not uncommon to own slaves at that the time, both at home and overseas.

Cranston stated that critical race theory is “essential” in schools, as it examines how race, racism and the slave trade have affected government and social activities.

“It’s 400 f**king years that we’ve dealt with this, and our country still has not taken responsibility or accountability,” Cranston said.

“For what?” Maher asked.

“For the history of the systemic racism that’s in this country.”

“What should we do more?” Maher asked.

“Well, I mean, for one thing, critical race theory, I think is essential to be teaching.”

“It depends on what you mean by that,” Maher said.

“I mean, teaching how the race trade and racism is systemic in everything we’ve done in government, in social activities,” Cranston responded.

“It’s like, for example, why the Second Amendment really has to do with, in a country where you were keeping a hostile people in chains, you needed guns to keep the lid on that. So that’s a lot to do with why other countries don’t have a Second Amendment the way we do,” Maher said.

Maher said he felt that critical race theory is a “catch-all term” and that the notion that America is irredeemable is incorrect.

“Critical race theory, I mean, it’s just one of these catch-all terms, if you mean we should honestly teach our past, of course, if you mean more what the 1619 book says, which is that it’s just the essence of America and that we are irredeemable, that’s just wrong.”

“Yes, I agree with that,” Cranston said. “But, even teaching our past and being honest, and owning up to who we are as a country and the history?”

“Most schools are doing that,” Maher said.

“In Florida they want to do away with critical race theory, and a lot of other states, because sometimes it veers off into things that are really not appropriate in schools,” Cranston said.

Maher expressed concerns about teaching children that they are oppressors suggesting that it is effectively “introducing ideas about race that are inappropriate for kids that age who can’t understand it.”

Maher noted that common sense is “lacking in this country.”

Despite their disagreement, both Cranston and Maher agreed that some “woke” topics should not be taught in schools.


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