Arizona could spend $30M to study psychedelic mushrooms



Arizona would spend $30 million to research psychedelic mushrooms as a treatment for a host of medical conditions under a bipartisan proposal at the state Capitol.

House Bill 2486 is groundbreaking not only because it would allow for such research, but also because it would lead to peer-reviewed research on the effects of natural psilocybin mushrooms, rather than a synthetic version of the drug commonly used in such studies.

Psilocybin is the psychoactive compound found in many species of mushroom that people use recreationally and, increasingly, medically. It is a schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, which means the Drug Enforcement Administration currently doesn’t recognize any medical uses for it.

The bill is among a wave of similar proposals and actions across the country as states open the door to treating people with psilocybin and investigating its potential to help with conditions including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and addiction.

HB 2486 would require the Department of Health Services to form a committee to review applications for research grants to study the effects of psilocybin on 13 health problems.

It also would require the state to fund $30 million for such grants.

The primary sponsor is Rep. Kevin Payne, R-Peoria. Co-sponsors are Reps. Jennifer Longdon, D-Phoenix and Stacey Travers, D-Phoenix. Sen. T.J. Shope, R-Coolidge, also has signed on.

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‘We are trying to collect objective data’

Dr. Sue Sisley of Scottsdale Research Institute helped craft the bill and said it is important to give objective nonprofits and universities the ability to test natural psilocybin, since that is what many people access on the illicit market to self-medicate.

“We don’t have an agenda here. We are not trying to make psilocybin legal. We are trying to collect objective data on the good and bad of this,” Sisley said. “We don’t want it to end up like cannabis where the industry was created before there was hardcore science.”

She said that while millions of people around the world use mushrooms, research using the synthetic form of the drug is inadequate to draw conclusions on how natural mushrooms affect people.

Most of the research on the effects of actual mushrooms containing psilocybin is survey based, “which is worthless when it comes to moving the needle on public policy.”

She said she expects bipartisan support.

“Healing from trauma and the list of things potentially studied under the bill are truly bipartisan issues,” Sisley said. “We are dealing with an epidemic of veteran suicide in this country and we have no good solutions for how to curb that.”

Bill sponsors tout potential to help people

Payne noted the potential benefits of psilocybin in explaining his support.

“The GOP has often fought for medical freedom, opposing FDA overregulation and pushing for ‘Right-to-try’ laws,” Payne said in a prepared statement on the bill. “Arizonans, especially veterans, deserve alternatives to dangerous and addictive prescriptions. This bill will help.”

Lawmakers also emphasized that the research would focus on veterans and first responders.

“This bill will place Arizona at the forefront of psilocybin research,” Shope said in a prepared statement. “We owe it to our veterans to find ways for them to live healthy normal lives.”

DHS council would award money

The state would issue research grants every July if the bill becomes law, and researchers hoping to participate would have to agree to use “veterans, first responders, frontline health care workers” and people from underserved communities as research subjects.

The advisory council that would determine which research projects get funding would have to include one physician with a federal license to study psychedelics, a military veteran, a law enforcement officer, a university researcher and the director of the Department of Health Services, who would serve as chairperson.

Similar proposals are gaining traction across the country as public attitudes toward psilocybin soften and health care advocates tout the possibilities of treating people with it.

  • Missouri lawmakers could consider a bill this year from a Republican that would provide therapeutic access to psilocybin for people with mental-health conditions.
  • New Hampshire lawmakers could consider a bill to decriminalize psychedelics including psilocybin for people 21 and older.
  • Virginia lawmakers are considering a bill on medical use of psilocybin, but a panel voted against it.
  • Oregon now allows adult use of psilocybin after voters approved the change in 2020, and in November, Colorado voters approved the use of the drug. Several cities in other states have likewise decriminalized it.

Reach reporter Ryan Randazzo at or 602-444-4331. Follow him on Twitter @UtilityReporter.


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